问题 填空题

Ⅰ、有下 * * 种烃:①    ②  ③乙烷 ④戊烷 ⑤,其中互为同分异构体的是            (填序号),②与⑤之间的关系为             

②③④⑤四种物质按它们的沸点由高到低的顺序排列正确的是             (填序号)


(1)写出A的电子式        ,E的结构简式为              


② _____________________________________________

③ _____________________ ,反应类型________;

⑤ _____________________ ,反应类型________;



I ②④ 同系物 ④②⑤③


(2)②CH2=CH2+HCl CH3CH2Cl

③CH2=CH2+H2O CH3CH2OH    加成反应

⑤CH3CH3+Cl2 CH3CH2Cl+HCl   取代反应

(3) 溴水

题目分析:Ⅰ、②④分子式相同,结构不同,属于同分异构体;有下 * * 种烃:②与⑤结构相似,相差CH2,二者关系为同系物;烷烃碳原子数越多,沸点越高,相同碳原子数的烷烃,支链越多,沸点越低,故四种物质的沸点由高到低的顺序为④②⑤③;



Most Canadian families love to have holidays   summer. Summer is a good season   holidays. It is very hot during the months of July and August. Children do not have any classes during these   months.

Some    like to stay at home during the holiday. They work in the garden, visit friends,    books, or    TV. Many families    their lunch to a park or somewhere far   the city. They like to eat where there are many trees or there is a nice lake. If they live near the sea, they often go to the beach. They can fish, swim or enjoy the sun there.

Canada is a large country. Many families travel by    or by train to see interesting places. They also travel by plane to a foreign country. Many big cities have many famous buildings, theatres, shops and other places   travelers.

小题1:A. for            B. in             C. on

小题2:A. to             B. of             C. for

小题3:A. one            B. two           C. three

小题4:A. people         B. peoples        C. man

小题5:A. see           B. watch         C. read

小题6:A. see            B. watch         C. look

小题7:A. takes          B. take           C. look

小题8:A. from          B. away           C. to

小题9:A. car            B. a car           C. their car

小题10:A. for            B. in            C. on
