问题 改错题



材料二 “外甥是先皇帝舅宿亲,又蒙降金城公主,随和同为一家。天下百姓,普皆安乐。”                       ——尺带珠丹致唐朝皇帝的上书



材料三 ……这个制度对后世影响很大。首先,为后代的行政划分奠定了初步基础。其次,加强了中央对边疆地区的管辖,特别是西藏正式成为中央直接管辖的一个行政区。


材料四 雍正二年,……设立驻藏大臣,监督地方政府。乾隆五十七年,清政府大力整顿西藏行政事务,规定驻藏大臣代表中央政府,与达赖.班禅共同管理西藏,共同任命 西藏各级地方政府的官员,噶伦以下僧俗官员,事无大小都要禀命驻藏大臣办理。









     A famous magician (魔术师) came to our city and gave some shows. Most of his shows had
educational (有教育意义的)   1  . He taught lessons about health, history and some other things
about life through his magic shows. Both children and parents   2   his shows, the children mainly for
fun and the parents mainly for education.    
     My mother   3   me to watch one of his shows the day before yesterday. The show taught children
not to steal (偷) by describing   4   a person might feel when his or her thing was stolen. In the show,
there was a shark. He often stole things and never   5   the owners' feelings. Then one day he found his
own things were stolen. He was 6   and angry. From that experience, he learned how worried and
angry others would be when their things were   7  . From then on he decided to   8   stealing.
     The show was great. It made me understand why we shouldn't take what didn't   9     us. I also
learned that we shouldn't get happiness from 10   others. Later I recommended (推荐) the magic to
some of my friends, hoping they would also learn something from it.
( ) 1. A. challenges
( ) 2. A. missed    
( ) 3. A. took      
( ) 4. A. why        
( ) 5. A. gave up    
( ) 6. A. relaxed    
( ) 7. A. lost      
( ) 8. A. start      
( ) 9. A. let down  
( ) 10.A. teaching  

B. mistakes    
B. enjoyed    
B. helped      
B. how        
B. dealt with  
B. upset      
B. helpful    
B. forget      
B. borrow from
B. hurting    

C. experiences  
C. learned      
C. taught      
C. when        
C. cared about  
C. dishonest    
C. wrong        
C. stop        
C. depend on    
C. beating      

D. messages    
D. remembered  
D. caused      
D. what        
D. laughed a t  
D. energetic    
D. broken      
D. keep        
D. belong to    
D. refusing    
