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题目分析:A.肋lèi B.冠guàn C.弊—蔽。这是一道字音、字形的综合考核题目,字音题考核的内容有多音字、形似字、音近字、形声字、统读字、生僻字、方言误读七类,命题形式主要有找出注音全部正确的一项、找出读音全部相同(或不同)的一项,找出读音全部相同(或不同)的一组三类。复习时分类整理记忆,以记忆为主,训练、记忆相结合。字形题考核的主要内容是形似音异字、音同形异字、音近形似字此题字音主要考核统读字、形声字、多音字、方言。“晕”“冠”“缉”“佣”“曲”“乘”在《异读词审音表》中明确标注,要重点记忆;“怍”“吭”“掣”“噤”“侩”“摈”“囹”属于形声字,有的读半边,有的不读半边要加以区分,“稽”属多音字,只在“稽首”中读qǐ,其余都读jī,“肋”属方言。字形是考的是音同形似字,可以用形旁辨义法区分,“一言蔽之”中的“蔽”是概括的意思,应从“艹”,遮盖的意思。“弊”显然不对。



     Africa is home to nearly 700 lakes and rivers. It holds the largest amount of water on earth. Because of

the overuse of the lakes, natural climate changes and other factors (因素), these lakes are disappearing quickly.

     Millions of people in Africa depend on water sources like lakes and rivers for their daily water. In other

words, they cannot live without these lakes and rivers. Recent studies by the United Nations show that this

loss of water supply is putting a great pressure on the African population.

     In the 1960s, Lake Chad was nearly 83,200 square feet large. In about forty years, it has lost 95% of its

size and it has almost completely dried up. At one time, it was one of the largest lakes in the world, and was

around 960,000 square feet around 6,000 years ago.

     The sizes of lakes and rivers and the amount of water have something to do with seasons naturally. But,

pollution and agriculture also play an important part in the loss of water. Many pollutants (污染物) are put into

lakes and rivers so that many lakes and rivers are seriously polluted, and the water may be poisonous (有毒的).

If something isn't done soon about the disappearing lakes and rivers, there will not be enough water for

everyone. Then many people in Africa will face diseases and possible dehydration (脱水).

1. What can we infer from the first paragraph? [ ]

A. There are about 700 lakes and rivers in Africa.

B. Africa is the largest continent on earth.

C. As climate changes, there is less and less water in Africa.

D. Now Africa has less water than before.

2. The figures in the third paragraph show _____. [ ]

A. more and more lakes are drying up

B. Lake Chad was a large lake

C. how quickly water is being lost in Africa

D. Lake Chad is 4,160 square feet now

3. Which of the following is NOT one of the results of the loss of water in Africa? [ ]

A. African people's daily life is affected.

B. Agriculture develops quickly.

C. The number of population in Africa will be smaller.

D. Many people will suffer from diseases.

4. What is the purpose of the passage? [ ]

A. To explain why lakes and rivers are disappearing in Africa.

B. To show people the results of the loss of water in Africa.

C. To call on people to solve the problem of the loss of water in Africa.

D. To tell people how to protect the lakes and rivers in Africa.
