问题 判断题

《海关法》所指的关境范围是除享有单独关境地位的地区以外的中华人民共和国全部领土,包括领陆、领空和领海。( )




Questions from 36 to 40 are based on the following passage: A garment label is more than just a piece of fabric. It is something that draws the attention of customers to the garment. In today’s times, labels actually help in selling a garment. Customers decide whether to buy a piece of apparel or not on the basis of its label. Labels communicate to the customer what types of materials have been used in making the garment. Different manufacturers use their own special type of labels to create their own distinct identity. A label might be custom-made by a manufacturer to make it unique. Beautiful, customized labels add to the beauty and style of the garment. Each brand produced by the manufacturer is usually distinguishable on the basis of a special symbol, color or word. This is reflected through the label. Garment labels can be made using several fabrics, in different types of finishes and can be attached to the garment in different styles. The fabrics that are commonly used in the preparation of labels are satin, damask, semi-damask and taffeta. In some cases, cotton, canvas and felt are also used in making labels. Satin is the most used fabric in preparing labels. Leather labels are generally used in case of jeans and pants. PVC labels are used in pants and bags. Satin is soft on the skin and looks very pretty initially. However, it is not one of the best fabrics to be used in labels because it is very thin and can snag easily. Labels made using taffeta are stiffer than those of satin and do not snag as easily. However, taffeta labels can irritate the skin of the customers. Damask and semi-damask are ideal fabrics for making labels. Damask labels are soft even after finishing and do not cause any irritation to the customer. Semi-damask is similar to damask in feel, but it costs lesser than damask.

The most used fabric adopted in the labels is()







“大约在公元700年,北欧国家进入了维金时代。这一时代的特点是,大批青年竞相扬帆出海,驶往一切欧洲国家进行征战和从事贸易。维金时代有一条横贯北大西洋西部的航线。这条航线使用者主要是挪威人和冰岛发现之后的冰岛人。随着时光的推移,北欧人在这条航线上发现了一个又一个岛屿。他们便在岛上定居下来,首先被发现的是舍德兰群岛和奥肯尼岛;然后是法罗群岛和冰岛;最后是格陵兰岛。作为北欧人向西方拓展的一个合乎逻辑的结果,北欧人最终到达了美洲的海岸,这一切发生在哥伦布时代之前约 500年。”




  • [a]北欧人在格陵兰岛上的定居情况时说,主要有两个:一是南部的东定居点;二是北部的西定居点。考古人员
  • [b]在定居点发掘出300多座农场,70多座教堂和两座修道院的
  • [c]。学者们
  • [d]这些定居点在它的鼎盛时期有4000多人生活在那里。岛上的人们与挪威的卑尔根之间,还有一条直通的航线,保证着西进者与北欧的经济与文化联系。





