问题 完形填空
Africans see many advantages by uniting the continent into a single nation, or by uniting several small nations of a particular region into a nation. In unity there is strength. Africans often point to the United States, formed by the original 13 states, as an example of this principle. Africa now is divided into many weak nations. United, they would be much stronger. Africans could then more easily deal with foreign efforts to control them. Also it would be easier to plan and carry out big projects like the building of highways and dams.
The considerations for African unity go beyond the practical advantages it brings. As we have seen, one factor is that the feeling of belonging to a particular nation is not strong among Africans. If, for example, you were to ask a man from Paris " What are you?", he would certainly answer " A Frenchman". Ask the same question of a man from Ibadan in Nigeria and he might give one of three answers, or all three, depending on his education and outlook. He might say, " A Yoruba" (his people), or " A Nigerian," or just simply " An African."
Another factor that enters into the desire for unity is that African leaders throughout the continent feel that they all have many things in common. They all lived through the experience of colonial rule. Many of them went to school and university with men who now lead other African countries. They all feel very angry about the way in which they were treated in the past. Compared with these strong bonds (结合),which overshadow the borders of nations, the idea of building separate nations does not have so much meaning. Some leaders say they are ready, in fact, to give up their separate nations.
Many nations have written into their constitutions(宪法), and they may give up their powers to a Pan-African government that will come into being.
uniting the continent
★easier to handle foreign influences
★easier to build小题5:________
★being weak among Africans
★depending on小题8:_
leaders’ similarities
receiving similar education
hoping for unity
Many nations have written into constitutions.
A 小题10:__________will come into being.

小题1:African unity

小题2:uniting small nations 


小题4:much srtonger

小题5:big projects 

小题6: Factors/Reasons

小题7:national feeling 

小题8:education and outlook

小题9:experiencing colonial rule

小题10:Pan- African government


小题1:根据第一段的 Africans see many advantages by uniting the continent into a single nation, or by uniting several small nations of a particular region into a nation. 可知非洲人已经明白了非洲统一的重要性,因此本文的标题是African unity(非洲统一) 。

小题2:根据第一段的Africans see many advantages by uniting the continent into a single nation, or by uniting several small nations of a particular region into a nation. uniting small nations 可知非洲可以统一整个非洲大陆,也可以统一几个小国成为一个大的国家。因此此处非洲统一的另一种方法是uniting small nations。

小题3:根据第二段的The considerations for African unity go beyond the practical advantages it brings.可知第一段最后部分是讲非洲统一的好处,因此此处是Advantages。       

小题4:根据第一段的United, they would be much stronger. 可知非洲统一的一个好处是使非洲变得更强大,因此此处时much srtonger。

小题5:根据第一段的Also it would be easier to plan and carry out big projects like the building of highways and dams.可知非洲统一的另一个好处是更容易计划和实施一些象建高速公路和大坝的大工程。因此此处是

big projects。 

小题6:根据第二段的The considerations for African unity go beyond the practical advantages it bringsAs we have seen, one factor is that the feeling of belonging to a particular nation is not strong among Africans.可知第二段主要是讲非洲统一的原因和因素。因此此处填 Factors/Reasons。

小题7:根据第二段的As we have seen, one factor is that the feeling of belonging to a particular nation is not strong among Africans.可知非洲统一的一个因素是属于某一个国家的感情不强,即民族感情不强。因此此处是national feeling。 

小题8:根据第二段的depending on his education and outlook.可知非洲人根据自己的教育和 前景来判断他是哪里人。故此处用education and outlook。

小题9:根据第三段的They all lived through the experience of colonial rule. 可知非洲可以统一的原因是他们有很多共同点。其中一个共同点是他们都经历了殖民统治,接受相似的教育和希望统一。因此是experiencing colonial rule;

小题10:根据第四段的Many nations have written into their constitutions(宪法), and they may give up their powers to a Pan-African government that will come into being.可知许多非洲国家已经把非洲统一写进了他们的宪法,把权力给非洲联盟。因此此处是 Pan- African government(非洲联盟)


本题为选做题,请在Ⅰ、Ⅱ两道试题中选取其中一道作答,若两题都回答,只按第1道试题的成绩记入总分。 选做题Ⅰ 材料1 由于历史和现实因素的交织,俄罗斯想要让西方政要和舆论忘却其与苏联的干系,恐非易事。最近,俄罗斯接连成为国际热点问题的主角之一,令西方舆论惊呼这是“帝国的反击”。在俄罗斯与乌克兰的天然气纷争上,依赖俄能源供应的欧洲国家舆论指责俄罗斯以能源为武器,表现出“帝国专制倾向”;在伊朗核问题上,俄罗斯大力介入,其高调姿态引起西方舆论关注;在巴以问题上,俄罗斯率先邀请哈马斯访问,更是令西方世界震惊。其实,客观看,无论是否带有“苏联特性”,俄罗斯作为一个大国,其实力和影响力是不可低估的。在经历了苏联解体的痛苦裂变之后,近6年来,政局稳定和油价上涨等因素驱动俄罗斯经济快速增长,使俄经济与社会发展呈现良好的局面。对俄罗斯外交而言,在经历了对西方的憧憬与幻灭之后,取而代之的是务实与平衡,并且日趋灵活。毫无疑问,随着经济的复苏与振兴,俄罗斯的外交“大手笔”也将与日俱增。 ——摘自《人民日报》2006年3月3日 材料2 与1991年叶利钦上台时相比,2000年中期的形势明显地“苏维埃话语化了”。叶利钦的“战略选择”是单一的——国家民主化、铲除 * * 主义。普京的方针则相反,不是单一的,而更多是折中主义的,他将经济中的“自由主义改革”战略与俄共主张的“制度力量”相结合,在国家的重要政治改革中与权威方式相结合。 ——摘自雷夫金娜:《在俄罗斯可以实行什么样的朱来方案》 材料3 八 * * 会上,普京广邀中印等6个发展中大国领导人和独联体轮值 * * 国哈萨克斯坦总统与会,推动八国集团由富国决策走向大国合作。峰会上出现了“8+7”甚或是“7+8”的局面。今天,俄罗斯不再指望“融入西方”,而要成为美、欧、日以外的另一个“西方文明”,要从持续了15年的“软弱地位政策”转到“实力地位政策”。俄罗斯实行以国家安全和经济利益为重的多方位外交,既同美欧,也同中印等所有重要国家发展关系,不会过分偏重西方或东方。 ——摘自http://news.tom.com 2006年8月4日 请回答: (1)结合材料,分析近年来普京政府外交政策的特点及其原因。 (2)结合材料,说明俄罗斯的国内改革政策近年来作了怎样的重大调整 (3)结合材料,分析说明俄罗斯政策调整的效用。 选做题Ⅱ 材料1 中国是中低收入的发展中国家,在发展道路上仍然面临着许多困难和挑战,但我们将尽最大努力支持和帮助其他发展中国家加快发展。中国已经向30多个最不发达国家提供了优惠关税待遇,减免了有关国家的债务。中国倡导成立了中非合作论坛、中阿合作论坛等合作机制,在亚洲开发银行设立中国减贫和区域合作基金并提供了捐款。今年5月,中国国际扶贫中心在北京正式成立,旨在为世界消除贫困事业作出贡献。 ——摘自胡 * * 在联合国成立60周年首脑会议发展筹责高级别会议上的讲话 材料2 在世界贸易组织农业谈判中主要由发展中国家组成的20国集团部长会议10日要求发达国家在5年内停止对农产品提供出口补贴,并扩大对发展中国家农产品的市场开放程度。会议结束时发表的联合宣言说,与会代表要求发达国家立即承诺停止对其农产品进行任何形式的出口补贴,并在5年之内最终取消所有补贴。与会代表同时敦促发达国家逐渐降低对发展中国家农产品征收的进口关税,向发展中国家扩大市场开放程度,为发展中国家农产品出口营造公平的竞争环境。 ——摘自新华社伊斯兰堡2005年9月10日电 材料3 去年10月,中国与东南亚国家联盟就建立面向和平与繁荣的战略伙伴关系签署一项联合宣言。中国还成为第一个加入东盟《友好合作条约》的非东盟国家,承诺放弃在该地区使用武力。当然了,这并不意味着就不存在问题了。边界纠纷,特别是围绕南中国海引发的纷争依然存在,不过中国已经在一份旨在约束各方在南中国海的行为的宣言上签了字。 ——摘自香港《南华早报》2004年1月30日 请回答: (1)结合材料,分析南北关系存在的主要问题及发展南南关系对发展中国家的意义。 (2)结合材料,指出中国处理与邻国以及与发展中国家关系的政策及中国的和平发展对它们的影响。