小题1:Have you ever tried to talk to your son like a friend?
小题2:He was determining not to make the same mistakes.
小题3:The music performed now is written by GuJianfen.
小题4:His voice hears as if he has a cold.
小题5:It is said Yogo is great benefit to human health.
小题6:An European settler first discovered the place in 1820.
小题7: He has decided to go abroad to study with the intention of improving his English and find a job.
小题8: Would Ma Li come to Brunei, I would meet her at the airport.
小题9:He learned English over listening to the radio.
小题10:With the help of foreign experts, the factory produced twice many cars in 2000 as the year before.
甲企业2009年4月1日欠乙企业货款1000万元,到期日为2009年5月1日。甲企业发生财务困难,经协商,乙企业同意甲企业以公允价值600万元的产成品和公允价值为300万元的一台设备抵债。甲企业于2009年5月10日将设备运抵乙企业,2009年5月20日将产成品运抵乙企业并办理有关债务解除手续。在此项债务重组交易中,债务重组日为( )。