问题 单项选择题








大铁椎传(节选)魏 禧

大铁椎,不知何许人,北平陈子灿省兄河南,与遇宋 * * 家。宋,怀庆青华镇人,工技击,七省好事者皆来学,人以其雄健,呼宋 * * 云。宋弟子高信之,亦怀庆人,多力善射,长子灿七岁,少同学,故尝与宋 * * 。


既同寝,夜半,客曰:“吾去矣!”言讫不见。子灿见窗户皆闭,惊问信之。信之曰:“客初至,不冠不袜,以蓝手巾裹头,足缠白布,大铁椎外,一物无所持,而腰多白金。吾与 * * 俱不敢问也。”子灿寐而醒,客则鼾睡炕上矣。 

一日,辞宋 * * 曰:“吾始闻汝名,以为豪,然皆不足用。吾去矣!” * * 强留之,乃曰:“吾数击杀响马贼,夺其物,故仇我。久居,祸且及汝。今夜半,方我决斗某所。”宋 * * 欣然曰:“吾骑马挟矢以助战。”客曰:“止!贼能且众,吾欲护汝,则不快吾意。”宋 * * 故自负,且欲观客所为,力请客。客不得已,与偕行。将至斗处,送 * * 登空堡上,曰:“但观之,慎弗声,令贼知也。” 

时鸡鸣月落,星光照旷野,百步见人。客驰下,吹觱篥数声。顷之,贼二十余骑四面集,步行负弓矢从者百许人。一贼提刀突奔客,客大呼挥椎,贼应声落马,马首裂。众贼环而进,客奋椎左右击,人马仆地,杀三十许人。宋 * * 屏息观之,股栗欲堕。忽闻客大呼曰:“吾去矣。”尘滚滚东向驰去。后遂不复至。


小题1:下列句子中加点词的解释不正确的一项是(   )

A.故尝与宋 * * 过:经过



D.今夜半,方我决斗某所期:约会小题2:下列全都表现大铁椎英勇神武的一项是(    )

①工技击,七省好事者皆来学,人以其雄健    ②右胁夹大铁椎,重四五十斤   ③吾始闻汝名,以为豪,然皆不足用。吾去矣  ④但观之,慎弗声,令贼知也 ⑤客大呼挥椎,贼应声落马      ⑥人马仆地,杀三十许人




D.①③⑤小题3:下列对原文有关内容的赏析,不正确的一项是(    )



C.写“宋 * * 屏息观之,股栗欲堕”意在表明作者对世上如宋 * * 之类的徒有虚名的好武之士的嘲讽。







Struggling in the US? Move to China!

I graduated from the university with a degree of civil engineer. It is a good field but my heart was not in it. I wanted to be an actor or work in the entertainment industry…living a creative life. My choice of civil engineering was really a mistake but I realized too late. As soon as I graduated, I move straight to Los Angeles----the home of the film and television industry!

For three years, I tried to get a job in that field. I often worked as an extra in movies and TV shows----standing in the background while actors are in the foreground. This was fun for a while, but I wanted a real acting job, where I was speaking! Sadly, in Los Angeles, there is too much competition. Every race and age is represented: old, young, black, white, Asian, and thousands of blondish-red haired Midwestern types like me. Being an extra couldn’t make enough money for me to live in LA. I had to do something else for money.

After three years of trying, I gave up my dream of being an actor and started a different career. I then tried network-marketing, but in the end, that failed. Seven years after graduating from college, I was still in debt, still searching for a satisfactory life. I decided to go back to civil engineering.

However, I was starting to get very disappointed with my life. Why is life not like what I expected?

I expected to have made a lot of money, gotten married, with a house and nice cars, kids, time freedom, etc. Millions of people lead lives with their dreams shelved, existing but not really living. I want my life to be different, more satisfactory, more alive. America was not providing that for me…

In addition, America was too expensive----always worrying about money was a headache. I wanted a life filled with adventure, romance, friendships, successes, and dreams realized.

I decided to move to China.

51. How can we describe the writer’s attitude toward life?

A. Practical.                 B. Passive.                    C. Disappointed.           D. Positive.

52. What does the underlined sentence mean?

A. A lot of people are living but they are not enjoying their life.

B. A lot of people are living with dreams though their life is not that enjoyable.

C. A lot of people give up their dreams and yet are living a good life.

D. A lot of people don’t have dreams, nor do they want to live either.

53. What did the writer do before he finally decided to move to China?

A. Engineerextramarketingengineer.           B. Extramarketingengineer.

C. Engineerextramarketing .                           D. Extraengineermarketing.