问题 选择题

Wen Jiabao,          premier of China, told the journalists at the press conference, "         housing

price of China is far from reasonable at present."[      ]

A. 不填;不填      

B. 不填;The      

C. the;The      

D. a; A





dim db,conn,connstr
set Conn=server.CreateObject ("ADODB.connection")
connstr="proyider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source=" &server.MapPath ("data/"&db&"")

【index.asp 文档的内容】
(2) <!--第(2)处 -->
<style type="text/css">
td font-size:12px;line-height:17px
body font-size:12px;line-height:17px
p margin-top:1px;margin-bottom:1px
a:link text-decoration:none;color:black
a:visited text-decoration:none;color:black

<body leftmargin="0" topmargin="0">
<!--#5nclude file="head.asp" -->

<td height="30" width="367">
<%sq1="select * from item"
setrs_item=server, createobjiect ("adodb.recordset")
rs_iterm.open sq1,connstr, 1,1
response.write"<p><b><img src=images/dot1.gif><a href=index.asp>全部节目</a> "
do while not rs_item.eof
response.write "<imgstc--images/dot1.gif botder=-0><a href=index.aspitem="&rs_item ("name")
&">"&rs_item ("name") A"</a> "
(5) <!-- 第(5)处 -->

response.write "</b> "
rs hm.close%>
<div align="center">
<% dim item_type
item_type= (7) <!-- 第(7)处 -->
if item_type="" or itcrn_type ="全部节目" then
sq1="sclect * from data"
sq1=" (8) <!-- 第(8)处 -->
end if
set rs=server, createobject ("adodb.recordset")
rs.open sql,connslr,1,1
<td width="125" background="images/bg.gif’ height="30"> 
<img border="0" src="images/biao_left.gif" width="15" height="15">节目名称</td>
<td width="58" background="images/bg.gif" height="30" align="center">格式类型</td>
<td width="43" background-"images/bg, gift height="30" align="center">点播次数</td>
<td width="70" background="images/bg.gif" height="30" align="center">创建日期</td>
<td width="ll5" background="images/bg.gif" height="30" align="center">点播</td>
<td width="73" background="images/bg, gif" height="30’" align="center">下载</td>
<%do while not rs.eof%>
<rd width=" 125" height" 30" > <img bgrder=-"0" src="images/dian.gif"> <%=rs("name") %></td>
<td width="115" height="30" align="center"><a href=""> 点播</td>
<td width="58" height="30" align="center"><%=rs ("type") %></td>
(9) <!-- 第(9) -->
<td width="70" height="30" align="center"><%=rs ("date") %></rd>

<!-- 此处省略了部分代码-->
<!-- #include file="foot.asp" -->

请根据图2-13网页的显示效果,解释该ASP程序中用下画线标出的语句的含义,即填写(1)、(3)、 (4)、(6)、(10)空缺处的解释内容。
