小题1:You should stick to the ___________(预算) to make the ends meet.
小题2:The builder of the castle is a direct _______________(祖先) of the present owner.
小题3:Some people may feel ___________(负罪的)when they take time to rest.
小题4:I must say that he did the work very _________ (粗心大意的)and always made mistakes.
小题5:They fear France is ______________(威胁) by the success of this goods-oriented culture.
小题6:He is serving on a warship in the ________________(太平洋).
小题7:He knows nothing about our new plan because he has been _________(缺席)from work for days.
小题8:Marx was forced to leave his motherland for______________(政治的)reasons.
小题9:The hostess is (宣布) the result of the speaking contest.
小题10:English ___________(写作) skills are of great importance to English learners.