问题 单项选择题

An issue that many corporate executives ignore is the possibility that aggressive people seek reinforcement for their own destructive acts. Television violence, for instance, and the widespread public concern accompanying it have led to calls for strict controls on the depiction of violent programs.

In their decision making, some producers do not take responsibility for the equally important minority. Instead, they may gear their content toward the masses, who crave sexually explicit and violent action. Fortunately, this group has the ability to disseminate violent action rationally, realizing that in reality, people who commit acts of violence have to compensate for their actions by taking full responsibility for the harm they cause to others.

Not everyone can distinguish fact from fantasy. Studies show that in one week of content analysis of prime-time output on seven New York City channels, there were 3, 421 acts and threats of violence observed. Children’s fictional entertainment programs had three times the frequency of violent acts or threats recorded in adult programs.

Similarly, aggressive adults are seeking reinforcement for their own anti-social behavior from seeing attractive television characters behave in the same way. Behavioral evidence has indicated that the anti-social effects of violent television portrayals are pest and are most likely to occur among individuals who are already aggressive. The ethical question is, should television submit to mass appeal or take into consideration the effects on certain members of society, including children The consequences of televising violence are not only harmful to some viewers but concurrently affect the television stations in the form of loss of viewers and possibly gaining a bad reputation. Even though many associations have been condemning television violence, their efforts have had little effect on the large money-making corporations.

In his article, " Sex and Violence " , Joe Saltzman states, " If, as producers argue, violence is a part of the human condition, then so is responsibility. In real life, you just do not commit mayhem and then go on to the next scene. "

It is also necessary to realize that violence is part of our nature and of our life. Almost every day we are participants and observers of violence, whether it is natural violence, theatrical or fictional violence, sporting event violence, or political violence. To exclude all scenes of violence form television would be to falsify the picture of life. Television media can " encourage or aid " destructive behavior, not " cause " it. We hope that the decision makers will promote p moral, ethical values in their decision making or at least consider them, in order to help prevent our violent self-destructive behavior.

Which of the following statements is NOT true()

A. It is not a depiction of what life is like to offer the audience a world without violence

B.The media have the responsibility to prevent the audience from watching violence

C.We may come across various violent scenes in real life

D.The media play an important role in setting up a good example of what is morally right




细节题;A选项和原文中的To exclude all scenes of violence form television would be to falsify the picture of life这样的表述对应,认为生活本来就有各种暴力,排斥这种东西就不是完全真实的生活。对生活中各种暴力的描述whether it is…部分也证明了C选项的正确性。D选项和原文中We hope…表达的意思是一致的。B选项在原文中找不到相应的信息,所以是我们要选择的答案。



材料一 人类文明每迈进一步,都不可避免地付出沉重的代价,从专制集权到民主共和制,使近代政治文明的巨大进步,然而也经历了曲折的道路。……欧洲人进行了思想理论的探索,但美洲却首先成为政治实践的土壤。        


材料二 随着护国政体的确立,共和国已名存实亡。共和制试验失败的原因在于……素以尊重传统、崇尚中庸的英吉利民族中,极端道路往往是行不通的。再者,从17世纪的时代条件看,资本主义发展还不充分,资产阶级正处于形成过程中,在政治上、思想上都极不成熟,共和制成功的条件并不具备……光荣革命吸取了40年代革命和1660年“复辟解决”两方面的教训,既摒弃了无限制的斗争,又避免了无原则的调和……它遏止了1661年后出现的君主专制主义趋势。根本改变了英国政治制度的发展方向,同时又没有割断历史,超越传统。


材料三 中国在30年改革开放以后,将向何处去?……我们看到一个大国崛起的因素包括:专制强权、战争掠夺、奴役殖民、经济贸易、科技发明和法治民主制度等,这些都可以使一个国家崛起。各国有不同的发展模式、不同的崛起方式。但是,经济崛起后的大国并不是都能站住脚。……只有民主制度才能支撑一个社会经济持续而稳定地发展下去,只有民主才能使强盛的国家不再趴下,这一点是历史的启示和教训。




