高水平运动员在竞技高峰状态主要是创造优异成绩,基本功训练已不重要。 ( )
小题1:Dealing with such a ____________(复杂的) problem calls for patience and skill.
小题2:This is a technical problem. You ’d better seek __________(专业的) advice .
小题3:She bought an ever-green plant as a _________________(装饰) in her new house .
小题4:Would you make me an overcoat out of this heavy __________(羊毛制的) cloth .
小题5:Some Mexicans were arrested for entering America __________(非法地)
小题6:He has __________(积累) great wealth by hard work and wise investment .
小题7:The clothes he designed were always fancy and _________________(令人耳目一新的) 。
小题8:After a 5-hour talk , the company and the workers finally reached a ___________(一致意见、共识) on the proposed pay rise .
小题9:We are advised to eat more vegetables rich in ______________(纤维质) and less meat .
小题10:How could you have ____________(忽视) such important information .
* * 的基本内容有公民权利与政治权利,社会与经济权利和().
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