《民法通则》在债权一节规定的担保方式有保证、定金、违约金、抵押和留置。 ( )
有一次,周恩来 * * 到非洲访问,当飞机快要降落时, * * 一边说“我也该整理一下了”,一边抬起手,五指分开,从前额到脑后梳理起头发来,然后两只手同时从两鬓向后,把头发抚平。他的头发本身又黑又亮,经过梳理,显得更有风采了。整理完头发,周恩来又两手举到眉心,用食指和中指轻轻夹着两道长而浓的眉头,从眉头顺势抹到眉梢,再用手掌轻搓两颊。最后站起身,从上到下,抚平衣服。我们大家都敬重和钦佩敬爱的周 * * ,这不仅是因为他知识丰富,思维敏捷、谈吐机智、彬彬有礼,他的堂堂仪表、翩翩风度也是我们心中仪表美的楷模。1972年2月21日,美国总统尼克松激动而兴奋地走下“空军一号”飞机时,周恩来 * * 正不卑不亢地等待在舷梯旁。他给尼克松留下的第一个深刻的印象就是:周恩来站在舷梯前,在寒风中不戴帽子。请问:
Anna is the executive responsible for information technology in –OAO- Target. Her senior colleagues asked her to participate in confidential discussions regarding the compatibility of the company’s information systems with those of a competitor. Representatives of both companies attended the meeting, and from the discussions that took place itwas obvious that the companies had entered into merger negotiations. Anna then purchased shares in both companies in anticipation of making a future capital gain.Nikita inherited a large sum of money from his father. He invested this in the shares of his employer, which is a company listed on the stock exchange, bidding up its share price. Immediately after doing so, he sold the shares for a large profit.Required:Discuss the extent to which the actions of Anna and Nikita were legal and ethical. (10 marks)