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On December 8, Xinhua News Agency published a list of news keywords that it believes sum up the year 2009.

The phrase “low-carbon life” had been heard in China before 2009, but in 2009, it has become popular among young Chinese who are concerned about the environment. It comes as world leaders are talking about fighting global warming in Copenhagen, Denmark. Greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, are the main cause of global warming, which leads to extreme weather and other conditions.

Living a low carbon life means trying to cut carbon dioxide emissions(排放) in one’s daily life. For example, burning less coal and oil, which produce CO2. It means walking, biking or taking buses, rather than using a private car.

“A(H1N1) flu” is also on Xinhua’s list. Since April, 2009 the virus has made over 100,000 people ill on the Chinese mainland and 325 people had died of it as of December 9. But as US magazine Newsweek pointed out recently, the best evidence suggests it is no more dangerous than a bad seasonal flu.

The year 2009 saw the growing impact of the Internet on society, with the word “duomaomao”, meaning hide-and-seek, becoming a hit on the web. On February 12, Li Qiaoming died of brain injuries several days after being detained(拘留) by police in Jinning county, Yunnan Province. Police said it was an accident sustained(遭受)while he was playing hide-and-seek with his fellow prisoners. Netizens cast doubt on this explanation and called for an investigation. It turned out that Li had been beaten to death by other prisoners.

Another phrase connected with the Internet on the list is “Net Addiction Camps”. Many parents send children obsessed(沉迷) with the web to “Net Addiction Camps” for treatment. But some camps use physical punishment or electrical shocks. In 2009, some young people died as a result of the extreme methods, which led to a nationwide discussion. In November, the Ministry of Health banned the use of physical punishment to keep children off the net and dropped the term “net addiction(网瘾)”. It did not say that excessive(过度的) net use is a mental illness either.

66. The purpose of the passage is to ___________.

A. call on the public to live a low-carbon life

B. show the great effect of the Internet

C. introduce some news keywords of the year 2009

D. warn people not to be addicted to the Internet

67. The underlined word “Netizens” in the fifth paragraph refer to_________.

A. Li’s fellow prisoners

B. Li’s friends and relatives

C. the local people

D. people actively involved in online communities

68. What can be inferred from the incident of “duomaomao”?

A. Hide-and-seek is a dangerous game.

B. Li was beaten to death by other prisoners.

C. Police did a great job in the investigation (调查).

D. It was the influence of the Internet that led to the truth.

69. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. The phrase “low-carbon life” had been popular among young people before 2009.

B. Global warming mainly results from greenhouse gases.

C. A (H1N1) flu is more dangerous than a bad seasonal flu.

D. Li Qiaoming died of an accident while playing hide-and-seek with his fellow prisoners.

70. Which of the following doesn’t mean a low-carbon life ?

A. Using a private car.

B. Using efficient light bulbs.

C. Walking, biking or taking buses.

D. Turning your air-conditioner one degree higher.


(2004年)   一、(本题15分)   案情:王某与张某育有二子,长子王甲,次子王乙。王甲娶妻李某,并于1995年生有一子王小甲。王甲于1999年5月遇车祸身亡。王某于2000年10月病故,留有与张某婚后修建的面积相同的房屋6间。王某过世后张某随儿媳李某生活,该6间房屋暂时由次子王乙使用。   2000年11月,王乙与曹某签订售房协议,以12万元的价格将该6间房屋卖给曹某。张某和李某知悉后表示异议,后因王乙答应取得售房款后在所有继承人间合理分配,张某和李某方表示同意。王乙遂与曹某办理了过户登记手续,曹某当即支付购房款5万元,并答应6个月后付清余款。曹某取得房屋后,又与朱某签订房屋转让协议,约定以15万元的价格将房屋卖给朱某。在双方正式办理过户登记及付款前,曹某又与钱某签订了房屋转让协议,以18万元的价格将房屋卖给钱某,并办理了过户手续。   2001年5月,曹某应向王乙支付7万元的购房余款时,曹某因生意亏损,已无支付能力。但曹某有一笔可向赵某主张的到期货款5万元,因曹某与赵某系亲威,曹某书面表示不再要求赵某支付该货款。另查明,曹某曾于2001年4月外出时遭遇车祸受伤,肇事司机孙某系曹某好友,曹某一直未向孙某提出车祸损害的赔偿请求。   问题:
