问题 单项选择题

The great advance (91) rocket theory 40 years ago showed that liquid-fuel rockets were far (92) in every respect to the skyrocket with its weak solid fuel, the only kind of rocket then known. (93) , during the last decade, large solid-fuel rockets with (94) fuels about as powerful as liquid fuels have (95) their appearance, and it is a favorite layperson’s question to (96) which one is "better". The question is meaningless. (97) might as well ask whether a gasoline or a diesel engine is "better". It all (98) on the purpose. A liquid-fuel rocket is complicated, (99) has the advantage that it can be controlled beautifully. The burning of the rocket engine can be stopped completely; it can be reignited when (100) . (101) , the thrust can be made to vary by adjusting the speed of the fuel pumps. A solid-fuel rocket, on the other hand, is rather (102) in construction, (103) hard to build when a really (104) size is desired. But once you have a solid-fuel rocket, it is ready for action (105) very short notice. A liquid-fuel rocket has to be fueled first and cannot be (106) readiness for very long after it has been fueled. (107) , once a solid-fuel rocket has been ignited, it will keep burning. It cannot be stopped and reignited (108) desired (it could conceivably be stopped and reignited after a pre-calculated time of burning has elapsed, and its thrust cannot be varied. Because a solid-fuel rocket can be kept ready for a long time, most military missiles (109) solid fuels, but human-piloted spaceflight needs the fine adjustments that can (110) be provided by liquid fuels.







解析: at short notice是一个词组,即“一发出通知或指令便立刻(行动)”。


Part 4

Questions 26-45

·Read the following passage and choose the best word for each space.
·For questions 26-45, mark one letter A, B, C or D on the Answer Sheet.
Do you want to send an e-mail message to the White House
Good luck.
In the past, (26) President Bush — or at least those assigned to read his mail — what was (27) your mind it was necessary only to sit down at a personal computer connected to the lnternet and (28) a note to president@ whitehouse.gov.
But this week, Tom Matzzie, an online organizer with the A.F.L.-C.I.O., discovered that (29) with the White House had become a bit more (30) . When Mr. Matzzie sent an e-mail protesting (31) a Bush administration policy, the message was bounced back With an automated reply, saying he had to send it again in a new way.
Under a system (32) on the White House Website (33) the first time last week, those who want to send a message to President Bush must now (34) as many as nine Web pages and (35) a detailed form that starts by asking whether the message sender supports White House policy (36) differs with it.
The white House says the new e-mail system is an effort to be more responsive (37) the public and offer the administration "real time" access (38) citizen comments.
Completing a message to the president also requires (39) a subject from the provided list, then entering a full name, organization, address and e-mail address. (40) the message is sent, the writer must wait for an automated response (41) his message, (42) whether the addressee intended to send the message. The message is delivered to the White House only after the person using that e-mail address (43) it.
"Over (44) , it’s a very cumbersome process," said Jakob Nielsen, an authority on Web design. "It’s probably designed deliberately to (45) on their e-mail.\



