问题 选择题

下列词语中,有错别字的一组是   [ ]

A.脉络  炮烙之刑  验讫  迄今为止

B.笙箫  经济萧条  历练  再接再励

C.幅度  名副其实  泡沫  如法炮制

D.薄纸  对簿公堂  涨幅  通货膨胀






     Do you know how to be street smart? Being street smart means knowing how to keep yourself safe

from strangers when you're alone or with other kids.    1  

     Most strangers aren't dangerous and wouldn't do anything to hurt kids. Unfortunately, though, some

strangers can be dangerous, and it's impossible to tell who's OK and who's not. __2_  That's why it's

important to follow these safety rules all the time:

     Make your whereabouts known.

     The adults who's taking care of you needs to know where you are and when you'll be coming home.


     It's more fun and safer to do things with friends. Traveling with a friend whenever you can is a good

idea, and traveling with a group of kids is even better.


     Safe spots are places where you can stop if you need help. Like the houses of kids you know, the

houses of your parents' friends, police stations, libraries, and fire departments. When you're walking or

riding your bike, make a mental note of the safe spots along your route. That way, you'll know where

they are in case you ever need one.


     You're probably been told lots of times that you should not yell and keep quiet. But when you think

you might be in danger, it's the perfect time to be noisy! If a stranger approaches you, follows you or tries

to grab you, yell as loudly as you can and try to get away. People in the area will hear what's going on and help you, so make plenty of noise.

A. Stick with a friend.

B. Pick out safe spots.

C. It helps you stay safe.

D. Shout "help" when necessary.

E. Go to school with your friends.

F. Make a lot of noise if you are scared.

G. A dangerous person doesn't necessarily look scary.