Do you have trouble remembering people’s names Then maybe this is for you. When you worry about re-membering people’s names and rack your mind whenyou run down someone whose name you can’t remem- 62.______ber, you’re probably only making matters better. What 63. ______happens when you do that, is that your energy is diver-ted to nervous energy that actually makes it more diffi-cult with recall information. 64. ______ You may also have some bad habits that contributeto your problem. Do you feel defensive when you meetnew people Are you absent-minded when listen to peo- 65. ______ple telling you their names And do you try to remember66. ______the names of every people you meet through the courseof the day and end up forgetting important ones whileremembering relevant ones Any of these factors could 67. ______be interrupting your mind’s natural ability to retainnames. What should you do then, in those occasions when68. ______you meet new people Don’t bother repeating the nameover in your head. That only leads to anxiety. The bestthing to do is to enforce your memory by using a variety 69. ______of senses to aid in memorization. The best thing to do isto write the person’s name down after you have a chanceto be by yourself. The visual image of the name writtenon paper combined with the memory of the person’s faceand the action of writing the name can reinforce thepartial pathways that create mental retention: The addi- 70. ______tional sensory information will make it easier to recallnames and you’ll be more anxious when you meet people. 71. ______