问题 开放性试题







(1) 珍爱生命、自强不息、艰苦奋斗、勤奋好学、迎难而上、挑战自我、实现人生价值(答出两点即可,2分)

(2) 有利于不断满足人民群众日益增长的文化需要;有利于提高人们的思想道德素质;有利于营造良好的文化环境;有利于传承和弘扬中 * * 的传统美德(答出两点即可,2分)


题目分析:(1) 10岁时因事故被截去双臂, ,12岁时学会了游泳,2年后在全国残疾人游泳锦标赛上夺得两枚金牌;说明他自强不息、艰苦奋斗。他16岁学习打字,6年后挑战吉尼斯世界纪录,成为世界上用脚打字最快的人;勤奋好学、迎难而上、挑战自我。19岁学习钢琴,4年后他登上了维也纳金色大厅舞台,让世界见证了中国男孩的奇迹。说明他用自己的努力实现了自身的价值。回答问题是要从这些角度去回答。

(2)感动中国人物,这属于思想道德方面的建设,可以让人们提高思想觉悟,有利于精神文明建设,形成良好的社会风气,能够是中 * * 的优良传统美德得以传承等。


点评:这两个知识点都是重要的知识点,在考试中常考,例如:下列行为属于创造有意义人生的有①张霄家庭条件优越,整日吃喝玩乐②护士李晓红不顾生命危险,毅然投身抗击非典第一线③马思健将节省下来的零花钱捐给希望工程④李涨霖志愿赴贵州支教,并出资帮助贫困学生A.①②③ B.②③④ C.①②③④ D.①③④




China to further economic reform

China needs to continue deepening reform in an effort to give impetus to its further economic

development, a top economic planning official said on March 5.

China cuts GDP growth to 7.5% in ’12

China sets its GDP growth target at 7.5 percent this year, down from the 8 percent goal in 2011,

according to the government work report.


Chen urges mass sports development

As China works hard on its domestic sports industry, mass sports should not be neglected, says

Chen Zhonghe, former coach of the Chinese national woman's volleyball team, on Monday.

China loses to Iceland 1-0 in Algarve Cup

China lost to Iceland 1-0 in their third group game of the Algarve Cup women's football tournament


Ronaldo hits 30th goal as Real wins

Cristiano Ronaldo took his league tally for the season to 30 as leaders Real Madrid swept aside

Espanyol 5-0 at the Bernabeu to restore their 10-point advantage over Barcelona in La Liga on Sunday.

Odd News

Talking robot silenced by bad language

Talking robot silenced by bad language

The innocent charm of a talking robot proved irresistible to many - but what they talked about proved

too much for the automated servant.

Student needs a new name for hukou

A graduate of Hunan University called Peng A has a problem with her hukou (permanent residence

permit) for her unusual given name.

Buffalo as owner's 'best man'

When a groom chooses his best man, it is usually a difficult choice, but not for Ronald Bridges. He

knew exactly who he wanted to fill the role.

Fan-shaped lettuce grown in E China

A fan-shaped lettuce is measured in China's Zhejiang province. The vegetable is 40 centimeters long

and 25 centimeters at its greatest width.


Coast guard 'needed for disputes'

China should set up a coast guard to cope with the "increasingly challenging" maritime disputes with

neighboring countries.

Smoking is rampant in Internet bars

Shanghai is seeking more effective ways to prevent smoking in Internet bars and other entertainment


Military service kind to residents

Lines of senior citizens waited in the rain over the past two mornings on

Shanghai's Nanjing Road for the army to arrive and provide free services.


Yahoo plans major restructuring layoffs

Yahoo's new Chief Executive Officer Scott Thompson is preparing a major restructuring of the company

that could result in significant layoffs.

UN special envoy Annan to visit Syria

Kofi Annan, the United Nations and Arab League envoy to Syria, and Valerie Amos, the UN

humanitarian chief, will visit Syria in the coming days, a UN spokesman said on Monday.

Canada closes embassy in Syria

Canadian Foreign Minister John Baird said on Monday that Canada has closed its embassy and

consulate in Syria and put further sanctions on Damascus.


Redesigning path to the future

It is an era calling for great diplomacy, one that requires China and the US to make joint efforts to

go beyond the immediate bilateral issues to shoulder more international responsibilities.

Rebalancing Russia's foreign relations

The geopolitical position of Russia dictates a balanced approach to the development of its Euro-Atlantic

and Asia-Pacific relations.

Spending attacks indefensible

The continual attempts by Western countries to occupy the moral high ground and point their fingers at

China's defense spending are unjustifiable.

Shanghai's Nanjing Road for the army to arrive and provide free services.


Yahoo plans major restructuring layoffs

Yahoo's new Chief Executive Officer Scott Thompson is preparing a major restructuring of the company

that could result in significant layoffs.

UN special envoy Annan to visit Syria

Kofi Annan, the United Nations and Arab League envoy to Syria, and Valerie Amos, the UN

humanitarian chief, will visit Syria in the coming days, a UN spokesman said on Monday.

Canada closes embassy in Syria

Canadian Foreign Minister John Baird said on Monday that Canada has closed its embassy and

consulate in Syria and put further sanctions on Damascus.


Redesigning path to the future

It is an era calling for great diplomacy, one that requires China and the US to make joint efforts to go

beyond the immediate bilateral issues to shoulder more international responsibilities.

Rebalancing Russia's foreign relations

The geopolitical position of Russia dictates a balanced approach to the development of its Euro-Atlantic

and Asia-Pacific relations.

Spending attacks indefensible

The continual attempts by Western countries to occupy the moral high ground and point their fingers

at China's defense spending are unjustifiable.

1. A particularly huge vegetable in a strange shape is found in ________.

A. Spain

B. China

C. Russia

D. Canada

2. According to the passage, right now the employees in Yahoo are probably feeling ________.

A. excited

B. puzzled

C. worried

D. inspired

3. It can be learned from the passage that ________.

A. soldiers in China sometimes help rescue citizens in disasters.

B. smoking is totally banned in all the Internet bars across the country.

C. the development of mass sports in the country is satisfactory at present.

D. the economic growth in 2012 is expected to be faster than that of 2011.

4. The passage tells us that ________.

A. the US is unwilling to take more responsibilities

B. strange names are now encouraged in China

C. Real Madrid is possibly the name of a night club

D. what makes the robot not so good is its bad language
