北京时间2011年9月29日21时16分“天宫一号”从甘肃酒泉卫星发射中心发射升空, 9月30日16时09分,在北京航天飞行控制中心精确控制下,“天宫一号”成功实施第2次轨道控制,近地点高度由200公里抬升至约362公里,顺利进入测试轨道。北京时间11月1日清晨5时58分07秒,中国“长征二号F”遥八运载火箭在酒泉卫星发射中心载人航天发射场点火发射,火箭飞行583秒后,将“神舟八号”飞船成功送入近地点200公里、远地点330公里的预定轨道。11月3日01时36分,经过适当轨道调整,“神舟八号”与“天宫一号”在高度约343公里的轨道上成功实现交会对接。此次对接向世界展示了中国航天技术雄厚实力,这是具有重大意义的“历史一吻”。假设对接之前“天宫一号”和“神舟八号”在各自的轨道上绕地球做匀速圆周运动。“天宫一号”的测试轨道半径为r1,绕地球做匀速圆周运动的速度为v1;“神舟八号”轨道半径为r2,绕地球做匀速圆周运动的速度为v2,万有引力常量为G。根据以上信息,可以得出( )
In looking at the class structure of an entire system, we may find that its inheritance (1) is either wide and shallow, narrow and deep, or balanced. Class structures that are wide and shallow usually represent forests of (2) classes that can be mixed and matched. Class structures that are narrow and deep represent trees of classes that are related by a common ancestor. There are advantages and disadvantages to each approach. Forests of classes are more loosely (3) , but they may not exploit all the commonality that exists. Trees of classes exploit this commonality, so that individual classes are smaller than in forests. However, to understand a particular class, it is usually necessary to understand the meaning of all the classes it inherits from or uses. The proper shape of a class structure is highly problem-dependent. We must make similar trade-offs among inheritance, aggregation, and using relation- ships. For example, should the class Car inherit, contain, or use the classes named Engine and Wheel In this case, we suggest that an (4) relationship is more appropriate than inheritance relationship. Meyer states that between the class A and B," (5) is appropriate if every instance of B may also be viewed as an instance of A. The client relationship is appropriate when every instance of B simply possesses one or more attributes of A". From another perspective, if the behavior of an object is more than the sum of its individual parts, then creating an aggregation relationship rather than an inheritance relationship between the appropriate classes is probably superior.