问题 选择题

常用抗生素“先锋Ⅵ”为粉末状固体,每瓶注射液含“先锋Ⅵ”0.5g,注射时应配成质量分数不高于20%的溶液,则使用时每瓶至少需加入蒸馏水[ ]










(1)实验前都需将废铁屑放入碳酸钠溶液中煮沸,倾倒出液体,用水洗净铁屑。从以下仪器中选择组装,完成该操作必需的仪器有________ (填编号)。

①铁架台    ②玻璃棒    ③广口瓶    ④石棉网    ⑤烧杯    ⑥漏斗  ⑦酒精灯

(2)方案A中FeSO4溶液的制备:将处理好的铁屑放入锥形瓶,加入过量的3 mol/LH2SO4溶液,加热至充分反应为止。趁热过滤,收集滤液和洗涤液。下右图装置中方框内选择更适合用于实验方案A的装置是__________  (填“甲”或“乙”)。


(4)实验方案B中FeSO4溶液的制备:用“五水硫酸铜结晶水的测定”实验中的废弃物--无水硫酸铜粉末代替稀硫酸与铁屑反应制备硫酸亚铁。当用无水硫酸铜配制的溶液由蓝色完全变为浅绿色时停止反应,过滤,收集滤液即得硫酸亚铁溶液。此方案的优点有_________  (填编号)。

a. 充分利用了实验室废弃物--硫酸铜粉末,避免了药品浪费,又回收了金属铜,实现了变废为宝

b. 避免了有毒气体的排放对环境造成的污染

c. 原子利用率达到100%

d. 避免了在加热中Fe2+被氧化成Fe3+, 有利于产品质量等级的提高,并节约了能源


①配制Fe3+浓度为1.0mg/mL的标准溶液100mL。称取_________mg高纯度的硫酸铁铵(NH4)Fe(SO4)2·12H2O,加 2.00 mL经处理的去离子水,振荡溶解后,加入2mol/L HBr 溶液 l m L和 l mol/L KSCN溶液0.5 mL,加水制成100 mL溶液。配制过程中必须用到的定量仪器为________(选填编号)。

a. 精确度为0.001g的电子天平              


c.100 mL容量瓶         




③取该兴趣小组所得的硫酸亚铁铵产品,按步骤①配得产品溶液10mL,稀释至100 mL,然后按步骤②的方法进行测定,两次测定所得的吸光度分别为0.490、0.510,则该兴趣小组所配产品硫酸亚铁铵溶液中所含Fe3+浓度为_________mg/L。



Among the more colorful characters of Leadville’s golden age were H.A.W. Tabor and his second wife, Elizabeth McCourt, better known as "Baby Doe". Their history is fast becoming one of the legends of the Old West. Horace Austin Warner Tabor was a school teacher in Vermont. With his first wife and two children he left Vermont by covered wagon in 1855 to homestead in Kansas. Perhaps he did not find farming to his liking, or perhaps he was attracted by rumors of fortunes to be made in Colorado mines. At any rate, a few years later he moved west to the small Colorado mining camp known as California Gulch, which he later renamed Leadville when he became its leading citizen. "A large amount of lead is sure to be found here." he said.  

  As it turned out, it was silver, not lead, that was to make Leadville’s fortune and wealth. Tabor knew little about mining himself, so he opened a general store, which sold everything from boots to salt, flour, and tobacco. It was his custom to "grubstake" prospective(预期的) miners, in other words, to supply them with food and supplies, or"grub", while they looked for ore(矿石), in return for which he would get a share in the mine if one was discovered. He did this for a number of years, but no one that he aided ever found anything of value.

  Finally one day in the year 1878, so the story goes, two miners came in and asked for "grub". Tabor had decided to quit supplying it because he had lost too much money that way. These were persistent(坚持的), however, and Tabor was too busy to argue with them. "Oh help yourself. One more time won’t make any difference," He said and went on selling shoes and hats to other customers. The two miners took $17 worth of supplies, in return for which they gave Tabor a one-third interest in their findings. They picked a barren place on the mountainside and began to dig. After nine days they struck a rich vein of silver. Tabor bought the shares of the other two men, and so the mine belonged to him alone. This mine, known as the "Pittsburgh Mine," made $1,300, 000 for Tabor in return for his $17 investment.

  Later Tabor bought the Matchless Mine on another barren hillside just outside the town for $117,000.This turned out to be even more abundant than the Pittsburgh, producing $35 000 worth of silver per day at one time. Leadville grew. Tabor became its first mayor, and later became the governor of the state.  

49. The word "grubstake" in paragraph 2 means __________ .

 A. to supply miners with food and supplies

 B. to open a general store

 C. to do one’s contribution to the development of the mine

 D. to supply miners with food and supplies and in return get a share in the mine, if one was discovered

50.Tabor made his first fortune_________.

 A. by supplying two prospective miners and getting in return a one-third interest in the findings

 B. because he was persuaded by the two miners to quit supplying

 C. by buying the shares of the other

 D. as a land speculator(投机商)

51. The underlying(潜在的)reason for Tabor’s successful life career is __________.

   A. purely accidental

B. based on the analysis of miner’s being very poor and their possibility of discovering

profitable mining site

C. through the help from his second wife

  D. he planned well and accomplished targets step by step

52. If this passage is the first part of an article, who might be introduced in the following  part?

A. Tabor’s life.                               B. Tabor’s second wife, Elizabeth McCourt.

  C. Other colorful characters.           D. Tabor’s other careers.