问题 问答题






小题1:I borrowed Jimmy’s favorite storybook last week. But I can’t find it now. I think I have left it somewhere.
小题2:I was criticized seriously by my Chinese teacher when I was sleeping in the class. Now I don’t like Chinese classes as before. It makes me feel embarrassed.
小题3:I had forgotten to turn off the mobile phone before I entered the classroom. It rang for a long time in the class. None of my classmates have criticized me, but I am upset about it now.
小题4:I have dreamt of volunteering to clean the city park, but I am afraid that others will laugh at me. They may think I am a cleaner.
小题5:I think I am creative. I always have some new ideas. And I spend lots of time trying to invent something . But my parents let me spend all the time in the school subjects..
A. If I were your Chinese teacher, I would be angry, too. So I think you should realize yourself first. Then have a talk with your teacher and tell him you won’t do that again.
B. We shouldn’t laugh at cleaners. We can’t live a clean life without them. So don’t be shy and be a volunteer as you have dreamt.
C. You’d better buy a new book for him. And then you can explain to him what has happened. Remember to say sorry to him.
D. According to your description, I can see that you are a very nice child. I think you can give a small speech to apologize (道歉) to them after class.
E. I think a creative child should be encouraged. Why not make a good plan with your parents? You can spend most time in school subjects. And in your spare time, you can try your ideas.

【真题试题】 (2010年案例分析第四大题,第83~86题)乙进出口公司业务主管赵某飞抵东南亚一发展中国家,计划按照事先约定与该国丙公司签订一个关于从乙公司进口Ⅱ型复印件的合同。不料丙公司老板却冷冷地告诉他:“我们不打算签那份合同了。”赵某虽对丙公司中途毁约甚为不满,但并未流露出任何不悦神态。他想其中定有变故,旋即回国。三天后,赵某再次来到丙公司老板面前,开门见山地说:“此次来是想告诉您,我们觉得将II型机价格降至比另外一家供货商价格第三次。”原来,赵某回国之前将情况向公司汇报,公司经过调查发现,另一家公司企图低价抢走生意。丙公司老板心中暗喜,立即与乙公司签订了进口1500II型复印件的合同。签完合同的赵某立即回国,第二天便来到专门生产II型复印件的厂家,请厂家把经销权交给乙公司,同事,愿再加一成价格,条件是II型复印机的辅助材料和设备有乙公司单独经营。两家签订了协议。1500台复印机如期运往丙公司,由于价格低廉,乙公司的这笔生意不仅没赚,反而亏损了不少。丙公司买进这1500台复印机后还需要购买大量的辅助材料和设备。丙公司只好再次与乙公司合作。这次乙公司主动权在握。售出辅助材料和设备不仅弥补了先前的亏损,还取得了客观的盈利。

【真题试题】 (2010年案例分析第84题)乙公司的最终价格低三成,这个价格策略是()。



