问题 翻译题


1. 她很友好并且从不说任何人的坏话。 


2. 艾菲尔铁塔是由金属做成的而且真的很高。


3. 我认为滑雪不如滑冰危险。


4. 如果你有幽默感,我愿意和你交朋友。


5. 西蒙的衬衫和丹尼尔的衬衫大小一样。


6. 感谢你邀请我参加写作比赛。


7. 我们的课桌是金属和木头做成的。


8. 在下了车之后,他们不再感到恶心了。


9. 如果你站在那幢楼房的顶上,你就可以看到整个城市。


10.  你可以乘出租车绕北京市中心来了解老北京,那样快但是贵。


1. She is very friendly and never says a bad word about anyone.

2. The Eiffel Tower is made of metal and really tall.

3. I don't think skiing is as dangerous as skating.

4. If you have a sense of humour, I am willing to make friends with you.

5. Simon's shirt is the same size as Daniel's.

6. Thank you for inviting me to join in a writing competition.

7. Our desks are made of metal and wood.

8. After they got off the coach, they didn't feel sick any more.

9. If you stand on the top of the building, you can see the whole city.

10. You can take a taxi around the center of Beijing to know more about old Beijing. It will be fast but expensive.

