问题 单项选择题











      Last night I was driving from Harrisburg to Lewisburg, a __1__ of about eighty miles.It was late and I
was in a hurry.However, if anyone asked me how fast I was __2__, I'd say I was not overspeeding.Several times I got __3__ behind a slowmoving truck on a narrow road, and I was holding my fists tightly with
      At one point along an open highway, I __5__ a crossroad with a traffic light.I was alone on the road
by now, but as I __6__ the light, it turned red and I braked to a stop.I looked left, right and behind me.
Nothing.Not a car, no suggestion of headlights, but there I sat, waiting for the light to __7__, the only
human being for at least a mile in any __8__.
      I started __9__ why I refused to run the light.I was not afraid of being __10_, because there was
obviously no policeman around, and there certainly would have been no __11__ in going through it.
      Much later that night, after I __12_ a group of my friends in Lewisburg and climbed into bed near
midnight, the question of why I'd stopped for that light __13__ me, I think I stopped because it's part of a
contract (合同) we all have with each other.It's not only the __14__, but it's an arrangement we have, and we trust each other to __15__ it: we don't go through red lights.Like most of us, I'm more likely to be
__16_ from doing something bad by the social convention that __17_ it than by any law against it.
      It's amazing that we ever __18__ each other to do the right thing, isn't it? And we do, too.Trust is our
__19__ preference.
      I  was so __20__ of myself for stopping for the red light that night.
( )1. A.flight      
( )2. A.thinking      
( )3. A.stopped      
( )4. A.horror      
( )5. A.ran off      
( )6. A.passed      
( )7. A.stop        
( )8. A.way          
( )9. A.wondering    
( )10. A.abused      
( )11. A.danger      
( )12. A.met with    
( )13. A.turned out to
( )14. A.virtue      
( )15. A.honour      
( )16. A.stopped    
( )17. A.speaks of    
( )18. A.suspect    
( )19. A.only        
( )20. A.sorry      
B. distance        
B. driving        
B. changed        
B. came to        
B. watched        
B. change          
B. side            
B. suspecting      
B. fined          
B. sign            
B. got over        
B. came back to    
B. suggestion      
B. solve          
B. protected      
B. stands by      
B. trust          
B. first          
B. doubtful        
C. road            
C. complaining     
C. stuck          
C. understanding  
C. passed by      
C. approached      
C. turn            
C. city            
C. struggling      
C. injured          
C. time            
C. got rid of      
C. referred to      
C. law            
C. break            
C. rejected        
C. takes in        
C. teach            
C. lucky          
C. sure            
D. length          
D. running          
D. lost            
D . impatience      
D. left behind      
D. found            
D. die              
D. direction        
D. regretting      
D. killed          
D. record          
D. called back      
D. occurred to      
D. order            
D. judge            
D. frightened      
D. disapproves of  
D. care            
D. living          
D. proud            

编辑加工题:阅读分析短稿,并按照稿件加工整理的规范进行编辑加工。(本题20分)  出版是指创作、编辑、复制作品 并向公众发行,以传播科学文化、信息和进行思想交流的一种社会活动。创作形成作品,编辑是策划、组织、审读、选择和加工作品的活动,复制是以各种方式根据 出版物内容制成若干与其内容信息相同的出版物的活动,发行是出版单位通过商品交换将出版物传送给消费者的活动。在当代社会,作为社会化的出版活动,必须由 社会认可的企业或单位来完成。   数字出版是一种新形出版方式,与传统出版相比,它的主要特征表现在组稿方式数字化、内容生产数字化、管理过程数字化、产品形态数字化和传播渠道非物质化。  无论采用什么样的出版方式,编辑都有不可替代的重要作用。因此,编辑人员应该具备政治认知能力、语言文字能力、判断能力、审美能力等各种基本能力。   编辑的政治认知能力表现为对政治形势的发展、社会的政治思想动向有较高的认识和辩析能力,能够正确应对各种突发事 件,在复杂的变化中保持清醒的头脑;对于党和国家的重大方针、政策和有关出版工作的法律法规,能比较熟悉和准确把握,并能在自己的工作实践中坚决认真贯彻 执行。   编辑的语言文字能力大致包括四个方面:一是规范能力。除了改进语言文字差错,编辑还应通过谋篇布局、修改观点、字斟 句酌、精心润色,提高稿件的语言表达效果。二是加工能力。编辑应该熟悉《中国语言文字法》、《简化字总表》、《第一批异体字整理表》、《标点符号用法》等 有关的语言文字规范文件,能熟炼正确地识别稿件中的常见差错。三是写作能力。编辑不能越组代疱,代替作者写作,但写作能力同样也是编辑的基本功。   编辑的判断能力主要表现为能对各种稿件从普及性、思想性、科学性、知识性等方面以一定的标准进行衡量,分析判断其是否合格,是否可以出版。   编辑必须有较高的审美能力,就能使出版物的审美功能和审美教育功能得到充分发挥。随着生活水平的不断提高,消费者对出版物的内容和形式的形象化、艺术化提出的要求越来越高,编辑必须具有一定的审美能力,才能使出版物充满美感。