问题 材料题









(2)总:周秦之际是我国古代历史上一次重大社会转型,由封建社会转换为帝国时期。 西周在政治体制上由世卿世禄的贵族政治逐渐转变为军功授爵制度,同时地方制度上则从封邦建国制转变为大一统中央集权制。在思想上从中国的制礼作乐的宗法制度和政治等级在春秋战国的百家争鸣后最终秦朝确立了法家一统。



     In many countries, people can use their hands to eat chicken leg. But in some countries, people only

eat with their right hands. They never eat with left hands. They think it is bad table manners.

     In China, people mustn't point their chopsticks at anyone. Sometimes (有时) they can talk when they

eat. They can hold the bowl with their hands when eating noodles or rice. They can take vegetables from

the centre dishes. When they drink soup, they can drink it with their spoons or from their bowls.

     In England or America, people eat with knives and forks. But they mustn't wave (挥动) them during

a meal. They must use spoons to drink soup. Everyone should use a plate and finish the food on his plate.

But they can leave some on the dishes.   

1. In many countries, _____when they eat chicken leg.

A. people usually don't eat with their hands

B. people must use knives and forks

C. people eat with their hands

D. people can't use chopsticks

2. In some countries,it is bad table manners to _____.

A. eat with right hands

B. eat with spoons

C. eat with left hands

D. eat with forks

3. Chinese people _____ during a meal.

A. sometimes can talk with others

B. have to use plates

C. can't hold their bowls

D. mustn't use spoons to drink soup

4. In England or America, people _____ when they eat.

A. can't talk loudly and use their left hands

B. mustn't wave their knives and forks

C. use spoons, knives , chopsticks and forks

D. can drink soup from their bowls

5. Which sentence ISN'T right?

A. Chinese eat dinners with chopsticks.

B. People should use plates when eating dinners in England.

C. English can leave some food on the dishes.

D. Chinese shouldn't take vegetables from the centre dishes.
