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无风险证券的报酬率为8%,市场证券组合的报酬率为15%。 要求: (1)计算市场风险报酬率; (2)如果某一投资计划的β系数为1.2,其短期的投资报酬率为16%,是否应该投资 (3)如果某证券的必要报酬率是16%,则其β系数是多少



解析:(1)市场风险报酬率=15%-8%=7% (2)必要报酬率=8%+1.2×(15%-8%) =16.4% 由于预期报酬率小于必要报酬率,不应该进行投资。 (3)16%=8%+β×(15%-8%) 则=1.14


Despite Denmark’s manifest virtues, Danes never talk about how proud they are to be Danes. When Danes talk to foreigners about Denmark, they always begin by commenting on its tininess, its unimportance, the difficulty of its language, the general small-mindedness and self-indulgence of their countrymen and the high taxes.
It is the land of the silk safety net, where almost half the national budget goes toward smoothing out life’s inequalities, and there is plenty of money for schools, day care, retraining programs, job seminars—Danes love seminars: three days at a study centre heating about waste management is almost as good as a ski trip. It is a culture bombarded by English, in advertising, pop music, the Internet, and despite all the English that Danish absorbs—there is no Danish Academy to defend against it. It is the land where a foreigner is struck by the sweet egalitarianism that prevails. It’s a nation of recyclers—about 55 percent of Danish garbage gets made into something new—and no nuclear power plants. It’s a nation where things operate well in general.
A brochure from the Ministry of Business and Industry says, "Denmark is one of the world’s cleanest and most organized countries, with virtually no pollution, crime, or poverty. Denmark is the most corruption-free society in the Northern Hemisphere." So, of course, one’s heart lifts at any sighting of Danish sleazo: skinhead graffiti on buildings ("Foreigners Out of Denmark!"), broken beer bottles in the gutters, dmnken teenagers slumped in the park.
Nonetheless, it is an orderly land. However, Danes don’t think of themselves as a waiting-at-2-a, m.-for-the-green-light people. Danes see themselves as jazzy people, improvisers, more free spirited than Swedes, but the troth is that Danes are very much like Germans and Swedes. Orderliness is a main selling point. Denmark has few natural resources and limited manufacturing capability; its future in Europe will be as a broker, banker, and distributor of goods. You send your goods by container ship to Copenhagen, and these bright, young, English-speaking, utterly honest, highly disciplined people will get your goods around to Scandinavia, the Baltic States and Russia. Airports, seaports, highways and rail lines are ultramodern and well-maintained.
The orderliness of the society doesn’t mean that Danish lives are less messy or lonely than yours or mine, and no Dane would tell you so. But there is a sense of entitlement and security that Danes grow up with. Certain things are yours by virtue of citizenship, and you shouldn’t feel bad for taking what you’re entitled to, you’re as good as anyone else. The rules of the welfare system are clear to everyone, the benefits you get if you lose your job,the steps you take to get a new one; and the orderliness of the system makes it possible for the country to weather high unemployment and social unrest without a sense of crisis.

According to Paragraph 2, the Danish culture is ______ English.

A.terribly attacked by

B.intermingled with

C.greatly influenced by

D.largely shaped by