Frank Jones passed the Level I CFA examination in 2008 and the Level Ⅱ examination in 2009. He is currently enrolled for the Level Ⅲ examination. According to the CFA Institute Standards of Professional Conduct, which of the following is the most appropriate way for Jones to refer to his participation in the CFA program()
A. Frank Jones, CFA Level Ⅱ
B. Candidate in the CFA Institute CFA program.
C. Passed Level Ⅱ of the CFA examination in 2009.
[分析]: 根据执业操守标准Ⅶ (B)的规定,CFA认证体系的申请人可以在公众场合提及他参与该认证体系的事实,但必须明确指出他只是CFA认证体系的一个申请人,不得向他人暗示已取得了“部分CFA资格”或进行类似的表述。此外,CFA申请人不得基于其已通过了第一级或更高级别的CFA考试的事实或将在某一时间通过某一级别考试的预期,向他人说明或暗示其已“部分地”获得了注册金融分析师资格。要获得注册金融分析师资格,必须符合CFA认证体系的全部要求,并经过CFA协会董事会的最终核准。 [考点] 作为CFA协会注册会员或申请人所应承担的义务