问题 问答题

(1)甲公司20×6年12月31日持有一项原价为1053万元的管理用设备。该设备系 20×5年8月28日从乙公司购入的,购入该设备支付价款为900万元,支付的增值税额为 153万元。乙公司销售该设备的实际成本为720万元。
20×5年全年乙公司从甲公司购入A产品共计100件,购买价格为每件2万元,甲公司 A产品的销售成本为每件1.7万元。20×5年乙公司期末存货中包含从甲公司购入的A产品 70件,其可变现净值为每件1.8万元。
(3)乙公司对专利技术采用预计可收回金额与账面价值孰低进行期末计价。乙公司 20×6年期末持有的无形资产中包含一项从甲公司购入的专利技术。该专利技术系20×6年 10月4日购入的,购买价格为4500万元。乙公司购入该专利技术后立即投入使用,预计尚可使用年限为6年。转让时该专利技术在甲公司的账面价值为4200万元。


借:年初未分配利润 180
贷:固定资产原价 180
借:累计折旧 12
贷:年初未分配利润 (180×1/5×4/12) 12
借:累计折旧 36
贷:管理费用 (180×1/5) 36
借:年初未分配利润 21
贷:营业成本 12
存货 9
借:存货跌价准备 14
贷:年初未分配利润 (70×0.2) 14
借:存货跌价准备 3
贷:资产减值损失 3
借:营业外收入 300
贷:无形资产 [4500-(6000-6000÷10×3)] 300
借:无形资产 12.5
贷:管理费用 (300÷6×3/12) 12.5
借:无形资产减值准备 212.5
贷:资产减值损失 (4500-4500÷6×3/12-4100) 212.5
借:应付账款 80
贷:应收账款 80
借:坏账准备 12
资产减值损失 3
贷:年初未分配利润 15
借:投资收益 570
少数股东收益 190
年初未分配利润 164
贷:提取盈余公积 76
未分配利润 848
借:股本 5000
资本公积 680
盈余公积 112
未分配利润 848
贷:长期股权投资 4980
少数股东权益 1660


A study of English learning problems was carried out among a total of 106 foreign students. It shows that most students considered understanding spoken English to be their biggest problem on arrival. This was followed by speaking. Writing increased as a problem as students discovered difficulties in writing papers that they were now expected to hand in. Reading remained as a significant(显著的) problem.  

The information gained helped us in determining where special attention should be paid in our course. Although many students have chosen to join the course with a reasonable motivation(动机), we considered it important to note what seemed to encourage interest. Nearly all the students have experienced some kind of grammar-based English teaching in their own country. To use the same method would be self-defeating because it might reduce motivation, especially if it has failed in the past. Therefore a different method may help because it is different.

Variety of activity was also seen as a way of maintaining(保持) or increasing motivation. Several years ago we had one timetable that operated throughout, but we soon found that both the students and the teachers lost interest by about halfway through the ten weeks. This led us to a major re-think, so finally we brought it into line with the expressed language needs of the students.

小题1:What is the text mainly about?

A.Foreign students have more problems.

B.There are many ways to improve English.

C.Teaching should meet students’ needs.

D.English learning problems should be studied again.小题2:Writing became a bigger problem when foreign students________.

A.had to write their papers

B.became better at speaking

C.became less interested in reading

D.had fewer problems with listening小题3:We may infer from the last two paragraphs that ________.

A.different teaching methods should be used

B.grammar-based teaching seems to be encouraging

C.English courses are necessary for foreign students

D.teaching content should be changed halfway.




BaSO4(s)+4C(s)=BaS(s)+4CO(g) △H=" +" 571.2 kJ・mol1

BaS(s)= Ba(s)+S(s) △H=" +460" kJ・mol1

已知:2C(s)+O2(g)=2CO(g) △H=" -221" kJ・mol—1

则:Ba(s)+S(s)+2O2(g)=BaSO4(s) △H=       。 


As2S3+10H++ 10NO3-=2H3AsO4+3S+10NO2↑+ 2H2O



①含硫物种B表示      。在滴加盐酸过程中,溶液中c(Na+)与含硫各物种浓度的大小关系为      (填字母)。

a.c(Na+)= c(H2S)+c(HS)+2c(S2)



②NaHS溶液呈碱性,若向溶液中加入CuSO4溶液,恰好完全反应,所得溶液呈强酸性,其原因是     (用离子方程式表示)。


及X的核磁共振氢谱如下图,其中      (填“Ⅰ”或“Ⅱ”)为的核磁共振氢谱图。写出X的结构简式: