问题 选择题








题目分析:A点缀 洞箫 B宛然 锋芒毕露 D沦丧 汗流浃背 。 同音字、形似字、容易弄错的成语用字是高考字形题的常考内容,识记时可采用下面几种方法:1、语音辨识法。通过朗读词语,发现词中字的书写错误。当然这要求同学们平时就要读准字音,才能准确找出错别字。2、字形辨识法。在我国汉字中,形声字占了绝大多数,其形旁为我们领悟词义辨析字形提供了有利条件。3、语义辨识法。通过掌握、分析词语的意义来辨析用字是否正确。在理解词语含义的基础上去掌握字形,不容易出错。4、结构分析法。借助词语的结构特点来判断用字是否正确,或者说做到“字不离词”。 5、语境辨识法。借助词语语境来判断用字是否正确,特别是对同音词语,只有结合词语词境或词语组合,才能准确而有效地找到与之相匹配的字形。


     Most people want to work, but it has become more difficult in today's world to find work for

everybody. The economy of the world needs to grow by 4% each year just to keep the old number

of jobs for people. Often this is not possible , and so more people are out of work. Some people have

no jobs now because new machines can do the work of many people in a short time. Also, machines

do not ask for more money and longer holidays. In all of the countries of the world, machines are

taking work from people, not only in factories but also on the farms. One machine can often do the

work of forty people. About 75,000 people are moving to the cities a day to look for jobs, but only

70% of them can find jobs.

1. It was _____ for people to find work before than today.

    A. not possible

    B. difficult

    C. more difficult

    D. easier

2. If the economy of the world grows by 4% each year, _____.

    A. people will have no jobs

    B. people can still have jobs as before

    C. 4%of the people will have jobs

    D. 97% of the people

3. One machine can do as much work as _____.

    A. 40% of the people

    B. 4% of the people in the world

    C. 40 people

    D. 75,000 people

4. How many people outside cities go into cities to look for jobs each day?

    A. 70% of the people

    B. 4% of the people in the world

    C. More than 75,000

    D. About 75,000 people

5. Which of the following in NOT true?

    A. Machines are taking work instead of people.

    B. Now more people are out of work.

    C. Machines need more money and longer holidays.

    D. Most people want to have jobs.

单项选择题 A1/A2型题