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(二)  以下资料选自2009年7月中国建筑股份有限公司首次公开发行A股的发行公告。中国建筑首次公开发行不超过120亿股人民币普通股(A股)的申请已获中国证券监督管理委员会证监许可2009627号文核准。本次发行的保荐人是中国国际金融有限公司。  本次发行采用网下向询价对象询价配售与网上资金申购发行相结合的方式进行,其中网下初始发行规模不超过48亿股,约占本次发行数量的40%;网上发行数量为本次发行总量减去网下最终发行量。  对网下发行采用询价制,分为初步询价和累计投标询价。发行人及保荐人通过向询价对象和配售对象进行预路演和初步询价确定发行价格区间,在发行价格区间内通过向配售对象累计投标询价确定发行价格。  网上申购对象是持有上交所股票账户卡的自然人、法人及其他机构。各地投资者可在指定的时间内通过与上交所联网的各证券交易网点,以发行价格区间上限和符合本公告规定的有效申购数量进行申购委托,并足额缴付申购款。









Bored? Don't know what to do with your time? Get your friends or family together, go to the park or go hiking, do something fun —just don't turn on your TV.

The 10th annual TV-Turnoff Week starts on Monday. The TV-Turnoff Network, a nonprofit organization, began the program in 1994 to get children and adults to watch less television so that their time is spent doing more productive things. This year, millions of people will participate and find much more interesting things to do besides sitting in front of the television.

Experts are convinced(确信)that watching too much TV keeps kids from participating in healthy physical activities. The average household has a television on for 7 hours and 40 minutes a day! Kids spend more time watching TV than they spend in school. Turning off the TV gives you a chance to be with your family and friends. Going without it frees up valuable time that could be spent reading a good book, writing, drawing, or discovering something else that may interest you.

There are many organizations that support TV-Turnoff Week, including The Boys and Girls Clubs of America, YMCA, Girl Scouts USA, and Big Brothers/Big Sisters of America.Even First Lady Laura Bush is a supporter. "Television is no substitute for a parent. It doesn't help develop language skills; it's simply background noise," says Mrs. Bush.

Even kids who may not have liked going without TV have discovered the benefits. "I really didn't like TV-Turnoff Week except I did notice that my grades went up and I was in a good mood all week," said Drew Henderson, a student in Donora, Pennsylvania.

小题1:The TV-Turnoff Network started TV Turnoff Week to _____.

A.to get people to spend more time doing more productive things

B.to keep kids from participating in healthy physical activities

C.to advise people not to buy television sets

D.to persuade more people to join the organization小题2:Which is not the advantage of turning off the TV?

A.Giving you a chance to be with your family and friends.

B.Sparing more time reading books.

C.Developing language skills.

D.Participating in healthy physical activities.小题3:Laura Bush must be _____.

A.the first woman to support TV-Turnoff Week

B.the wife of American President

C.the first woman to organize TV-Turnoff Week

D.the first lady in the Boys and Girls Clubs of America小题4: Drew Henderson’s words in the last paragraph imply that _____.

A.he doesn’t like TV-Turnoff Week

B.he doesn’t support TV-Turnoff Week at all

C.it’s unnecessary to have TV-Turnoff Week

D.he doesn’t support TV-Turnoff Week until he finds it does good to his study.
