问题 单项选择题

一个患者思维清晰,智能相对良好,但有近事记忆障碍和言谈虚构倾向,最可能的综合征是( )。








解析: 谵妄又称急性脑病综合征,是一种病因非特异的综合征,在内外科普通病房的发生率约为5%~15%,监护病房的发生率更高。其最重要的临床特征是意识水平下降,可表现为混浊到昏迷,在一天之中意识障碍的程度有所不同,通常夜间较重;注意指向、集中、持续和转移能力受到损害;认知功能全面损害,抽象思维和理解能力损害,言语不连贯,即刻回忆和近记忆受损,定向障碍,可有幻觉、错觉及短暂妄想;精神运动紊乱;睡眠-觉醒周期紊乱;情绪紊乱等。



·You will hear five conversations taking place in restaurants and the customers are complaining about something.
·Before you listen, read the list of statements, five of which are summaries of how these problems are solved.
·Then listen carefully and match the statements (A-F) with the conversations that are about them respectively.
·There is one extra statement that you don’t need to use. You will hear the passage twice.
A. it is suggested that she change her order to some sirloin because it is tender.
B. She is asked to send in the bill if she likes to have it cleaned.
C. The head waiter goes to fetch some clean ones immediately.
D. He offers to sponge it with a little warm water.
E. He is advised to choose another wine instead.
F. The head waiter will deal with it himself.


·You will hear five conversations taking place in restaurants and the customers are complaining about something.
·Before you listen, read the list of statements, five of which are summaries of how these problems are solved.
·Then listen carefully and match the statements (A-F) with the conversations that are about them respectively.
·There is one extra statement that you don’t need to use. You will hear the passage twice.
A. it is suggested that she change her order to some sirloin because it is tender.
B. She is asked to send in the bill if she likes to have it cleaned.
C. The head waiter goes to fetch some clean ones immediately.
D. He offers to sponge it with a little warm water.
E. He is advised to choose another wine instead.
F. The head waiter will deal with it himself.