问题 单项选择题

对于Linux操作系统,下列说法错误的是( )。







解析: ①Red Hat Linux 5.1支持Intel、Alpha和Spare平台和大多数的应用软件;②Linux操作系统具有先进的网络能力,可以通过TCP/IP协议与其他计算机连接,通过网络进行分布式处理;③Linux操作系统支持多用户,在同一时间内可以有多个用户使用主机;④Linux操作系统与 Windows NT、NetWare、UNIX等传统网络操作系统最大的区别是:Linux开放源代码。




材料一 贝多芬的《英雄交响曲》标志着欧洲音乐历史中具有重要社会政治意义的题材第一次进入交响曲这』音乐领域。1802年,贝多芬开始动手写作献给拿破仑的《第三交响曲》。但是正当他准备献给拿破仑时,拿破仑称帝的消息传到了堆也纳。贝多芬得知速个消息后非常气愤,放弃了将《第三交响曲》献给拿破仑的想法。并将《第三交响曲》改名为《英雄交响曲》,“为纪念一位伟人而作的英雄交响曲”。

材料二 《黄河大舍喝》是冼星海最重要的和影响最大的一部代表作,创作于1939 年3月。其第七部分是《保卫黄河》:风在吼,马在叫,黄河在咆哮,簧河在咆哮。河西山岗万丈高,河东河北高粱熟了。万山丛中,抗日英雄真不少!青纱帐里,游击健儿逞英豪!端起了姗洋枪,挥动着大刀长矛,保卫家乡!保卫黄河!保卫华北!保卫全中国!这是一部反映中 * * 解放运动的专乐史诗。它不仅在敌后战场,而且在国统区也广为传唱。许多八路军和国民竞军队的抗日将士高唱《黄河大合唱》奔甸奄敌战’场·并为当代进行现代化建设的中国人民留下了宝贵的音乐遗产。








British Broadcasting Corporation(the BBC) was founded in 1922, including radio and television services. It is based at Broadcasting House in London.

The BBC is controlled by some governors chosen by the government, but these people have complete freedom and government can’t interfere. That is, the BBC is not the mouthpiece (喉舌) of the government. It has to be as fair as possible in giving radio and television time to, for example, political parties and religious groups.

There is a kind of interesting services in Britain- rental (租借) services. Many people prefer to rent their television sets instead of buying them. The rent for a black and white set is about 80 pence a week. The rent of a color set is more than twice that of a black and white set. If the sets go wrong, people can have them repaired free of charge or replace immediately.

Everyone who owns or rents a television set has to pay a yearly licence, there is no advertising on BBC radio or television. It is from the sale of licence that the BBC gets most of its money. A licence for a black and white set costs 8 pounds, and for a color set 18 pounds a year.

There are four specialized radio channels, which broadcast different kinds of programmes. Radio I is mainly pop music. Radio 2 deals with light music, sports and other programmes. Radio 3 broadcasts serious music, talks on serious subjects etc. News broadcasts are mainly given by Radio 4.

There are special programmes for Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales and certain parts of England. It also broadcasts programmes about Britain - in many different languages as well as in English to all parts of the world.

小题1:The BBC Broadcasting House lies in ______.




D.Northern Ireland小题2:How much should you pay if you rent a color TV set and use it for a year?

A.More than 100 pounds

B.About 37 pounds

C.About 83 pounds

D.18 pounds小题3:The BBC gets most of its money ______.

A.from the government

B.from rental services

C.by selling licences

D.by advertising小题4:Which of the following is true?

A.You can listen to classical music from Radio 1.

B.If you rent a TV set and there is something wrong with it, you should fix it with your own money.

C.The BBC special programmes are not only for different areas in its own country but also for foreign countries.

D.The BBC broadcasts to foreign countries only in English