问题 论述题

(28 分)近年来我省始终把“建设创新安徽、推动转型升级”作为核心战略,着力打造“经济强省、文化强省、生态强省”建设。某校高三(l)班同学在“徽信”中围绕以下话题展开了讨论,请你参与。

话题1  发展绿色建筑享受低碳生活

安徽省政府下发 《 绿色建筑行动实施方案》提出,“十二五”期间,全省将新建绿色建筑l000万平方来以上,20%的城镇新建建筑达到绿色建筑标准要求。并提出涵盖财政、税收、金融等各个领城的优惠政策,完善财政支持政策,制定税收优息政策,鼓励房地产开发商建设绿色建筑,引导消费者购买绿色住宅。

(l)结合经济生活知识分析安徽省政府是怎样推进绿色建筑发展的? (8 分)

话题2 弘扬中华美德传承良好家风


话题3 推进农业转移人口市民化


(2)请从“精神文明创建”和“加强社会主义思想道德建设”的角度,就青年学生 进一步传承良好家风提出合理化建议。(12 分

(3)运用“联系”的有关知识,谈谈你对话题 3 的认识。(8 分)


(l ① 政府运用财政税收优惠政策和计划等经济手段进行宏观调控,通过对经济利益的调整来影响和调节绿色建筑发展。(3 分)② 鼓励房地产开发商转变经营战略,提高自主创新能力,建设绿色建筑,担当社会责任,树立良好的企业形象。(3 分)③ 引导消费者树立正确的消费观,坚持绿色消费,购买绿色住宅。(2 分)

(2)① 投身于杜会主义精神文明建设的伟大实践,为培育文明风尚和传承良好家风身体力行。 ② 以道德模范为榜样,学习宣传思想道德模范常态化,为传承良好家风提供榜样的力最。 ③ 自觉践行社会主义核心价值体系,倡导爱国、敬业、诚信、友善,为良好家风注入时代内涵。 ④ 传承良好家风,要加强自身思想道德修养,追求更高的思想道德目标。(每点 3 分,满分 12 分)

(3)① 联系是普遍的,要求用联系的观点看问题。推进农业转移人口市民化.需要加快实施户籍制度改革,健全住房和社会保障体系等。(3 分)② 联系是客观的,人们可以根据事物的固有联系改变事物的状态,建立新的联系。落实城乡养老保险制度统筹衔接办法等,使农业转移人口和城镇居民共建共享城市现代文明。(3 分)③ 系统优化的方法要求用综合的思维方式认识事物。有序推进农业转移人口市民化,要着眼整体,统筹考虑,稳步推进。(2 分)(如回答联系的多样性,亦可酌情给分)






All animals must rest, but do they really sleep as we know it The answer to this question seems obvious. If an animal regularly stops its activities and stays quiet and unmoving—if it looks as though it is sleeping—then why not simply assume that it is in fact sleeping But how can observers be sure that an animal is sleeping

They can watch the animal and notice whether its eyes are open or closed, whether it is active or lying quietly, and whether it responds to light or sound. These factors are important clues, but they often are not enough. Horses and cows, for example, rarely close their eyes, and fish and snakes cannot close them. Yet this does not necessarily mean that they do not sleep. Have you ever seen a cat dozing with an eye partly open Even humans have occasionally been observed to sleep with one or both eyes partially open. Animals do not necessarily lie down to sleep either. Elephants, for example, often sleep standing up, with their tusks resting in the fork of a tree. Finally, while "sleeping" animals often seem unaware of changes in the sounds and light and other stimuli around them, that does not really prove they are sleeping either.

Observations of animal behavior alone cannot fully answer the question of whether or not animals sleep. The answers come from doing experiments in "sleep laboratories" using a machine called the electroencephalograph (EEC). The machine is connected to animals and measures their brain signals, breathing, heartbeat, and muscle activity. The measurements are different when the animals appear to be sleeping than when they appear to be awake. Using the EEC, scientists have confirmed that all birds and mammals studied in laboratories do sleep. There is some evidence that reptiles, such as snakes and turtles, do not truly sleep, although they do have periods of rest each day, in which they are quiet and unmoving. They also have discovered that some animals, like chimpanzees, cats, and moles (who live underground), are good sleepers while others, like sheep, goats, and donkeys, are poor sleepers. Interestingly, the good sleepers are nearly all hunters with resting places that are safe from their enemies. Nearly all the poor sleepers are animals hunted by other animals: they must always be watching for enemies, even when they are resting.

According to the research findings mentioned in the passage, reptiles()

A. such as turtles and snakes cannot close their eyes

B. cannot be studied with an EEC

C. do not sleep in the true sense of the word

D. do not need to rest