问题 多项选择题

46岁,因“急转头时突发眩晕、头痛、喷射状呕吐30 min”来诊。发现头颈、躯干皮下和肌肉结节2年,反复头痛、头晕、呕吐、抽搐6个月,30 min前急转头时突发眩晕、头痛、喷射状呕吐。既往健康。查体:T 36.5 ℃,P 56次/min,R 20次/min,BP 130/90 mmHg;背部皮下和肌肉散在数枚黄豆大结节,圆形或卵圆形,直径0.5~1.0 cm,硬度近似软骨,有弹性;双瞳孔不等大,球结膜水肿;颈强直,肌力及感觉正常,克尼格征(-),布鲁津斯基征(-)。

目前可给予的处置包括(提示 手术取出第四脑室内囊泡,病理证实为囊尾蚴。之后行眼科手术取出眼部囊尾蚴。开始给予吡喹酮10 mg/kg,3次/d;服药第6天,出现剧烈头痛,恶心、呕吐及抽搐1次。眼底镜检查:视网膜静脉扩张、视盘充血、边缘模糊。)()










参考答案:B, C, D, F, H


When Cathleen Gardiner’s twins were born 17 years ago, doctors told her that they were a pair in a million. One had Down syndrome(低能综合症), while the other did not. Here, Cathleen tells their touching story.

Since Sean was born 17 years ago, I have always thought that he is just as wonderful as his brother and sister. Though he had a disability(残疾), we have never viewed him as a burden. He has always been a blessing. The doctors explained that though they were twins, they came from two different eggs. Lisa could walk at 11 months old, while Sean didn’t take his first steps till he was three. By two, Lisa was talking a lot, but Sean wasn’t able to speak until he was nearly four.

For the first five years of his life, Sean needed a great deal of care. Looking after him was my full-time job, though I also worked as a technical adviser in a computing company. We never treated them differently. We gave them the same toys and spoke to them in the same way. We encouraged Sean to keep up with Lisa, even though he never could, and we would help him develop his abilities. We sent them to the same primary school even after doctors advised us that Sean should go to a school for the disabled.

We had to explain to Lisa that he wouldn’t learn as quickly as she would. She told us that she’d help him with his school work. Having a non-disabled twin has really helped Sean develop. The love they share has given him a great deal of support. Now Sean and Lisa are both about to finish high school. I don’t think he would have done nearly as well today without Lisa’s help.

小题1:At least how many children does Mrs. Gardiner have?




D.One.小题2:Mrs. Gardiner and her husband regarded Sean as _______.

A.a boy making others touched

B.a normal child without disabilities

C.a special gift

D.a burden of their family小题3:The third paragraph mainly tells us that _______.

A.the couple treated the twins equally

B.Cathleen did all she could to look after Sean

C.the couple didn’t follow the doctor’s advice

D.the couple encouraged Sean to grow up小题4:This passage tells us that _________.

A.love can do wonders

B.nobody is foolish or clever

C.being stupid doesn’t matter

D.all men are born equal