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                                                 Linguistic(语言学的) Puzzles

     How did language begin? What was the world's first language? Do all languages come from one

original language?   1     .

      In the 4th century BC, the Greek historian Herodotus wrote this account: Psamtik I,an Egyptian

King, wanted to find out what the oldest language in the world was.    2    .He told his servant to find

two newborn babies.When the servant had found them, the king gave them to a shepherd (牧羊人)

and said,  “Keep these babies with the goats.Take care of them, but do not talk to them.Listen to any

words that they say.” The king wanted to find out what language the children would speak if they were

left alone.He said, “The first words they speak will come from the original language of the world.”

         3    . He told the king who asked his scholars about this word.They told him that the Phiygians,

who lived in an area which is now Turkey, called bread “becos”. The king said, “Then Phiygian is the

oldest language.” Today we know that the king's conclusion was wrong.We don't know why the children

said “becos”. 

      4  . Scholars discovered that many European and southern Asian languages belonged to the same

“family” and that they started from the same parent language, ProtoIndoEuropean.Linguists think that it

had split into several different languages, including Greek and Sanskrit, between 2000 and 1000 BC.

Other languages, such as English and Spanish, developed from later splits.

       5   . Two questions that interest linguists are: How does language change? Why does language

change? If you like solving mysteries, historical linguistics may be the job for you.

A. Nowadays, we study the origin of language more scientifically

B. He was talking about this problem with his scholars when he had an idea

C. The King was very kind to his servant and his servant remained royal to him

D. Linguists are the scholars who are very interested in categorizing the language families

E. People have been trying to find the answers to these questions for more than 2000 years

F. One day, while the babies were babbling to each other, the shepherd heard them say “becos”

G. Linguists have classified many language families, and they are still trying to categorize others


The term "nationalism" is generally used to describe two phenomena: (1)the members of a nation care about their national identity and(2) that the members of a nation seek to achieve (or sustain) self-determination.

It is traditional, therefore, to distinguish nations from states—whereas a nation often consists of an ethnic or cultural community, a state is a political entity with a high degree of sovereignty. While many states are nations in some sense, there are many nations which are not fully sovereign states. As an example, the Native American Iroquois constitute a nation but not a state, since they do not possess the requisite political authority over their internal or external affairs. If the members of the Iroquois nation were to strive to form a sovereign state in the effort to preserve their identity as a people, they would be exhibiting a state—focused nationalism.

Nationalism has long been ignored as a topic in political philosophy, written off as a relic from bygone times. It has only recently come into the focus of philosophical debate. The surge of nationalism usually presents a morally ambivalent and for this reason often fascinating picture. "National awakenings" and struggles for political independence are often both heroic and inhumanly cruel; the formation of a recognizably national state often responds to deep popular sentiment, but can and does sometimes bring in its wake inhuman consequences, including violent expulsion and "cleansing" of non-nationals, all the way to organized mass murder. The moral debate on nationalism reflects a deep moral tension between solidarity with oppressed national groups on the one hand and repulsion in the face of crimes perpetrated in the name of nationalism on the other.

Nationalism may manifest itself as part of official state ideology or as a popular (non-state) movement and may be expressed along civic, ethnic, cultural, religious or ideological lines. These self-definitions of the nation are used to classify types of nationalism. However, such categories are not mutually exclusive and many nationalist movements combine some or all of these elements to varying degrees. Nationalist movements can also be classified by other criteria, such as scale and location.

Nationalism does not necessarily imply a belief in the superiority of one race over others, but in practice, many nationalists support racial protectionism or racial supremacy. Such racism is typically based upon preference or superiority of the indigenous race of the nation.

Paragraph 4 talks about the issue of nationalism from the perspective of ()


B. definitions

C. combinations

D. criteria