问题 读图填空题

柑橘大实蝇主要分布于四川、贵州、云南、广西、湖南、湖北、陕西等(省)区,是危害柑橘类作物的重要害虫。大实蝇的雌成虫刺破柑橘果皮产卵于果肉,孵化后的幼虫在柑橘瓤瓣中取食,导致柑橘未熟先黄,提前脱落,腐烂变质,产量下降,品质变差,发生严重的地区甚至造成绝收。下图是与2008 年四川广元柑橘大实蝇事件有关的部分图解,请据图回答:









(4)(此题具有开放性, 只要能达到目标的措施皆可)如:生物防治、以虫治虫、以鸟治虫、以菌治虫等

      Museums are often    1   interesting and beautiful things, but in most museums you can only look at the
things there, you can't touch them. This is not very   2    for most of us. People want to touch things. They
want to use them and   3   them. That is     4    we learn about things. If we are interested in    5   ,we
learn about it    6     . But some museums are quite different. For example, at the Boston    7   Museum
in Boston, young people can use computers and other modern machines. They can also move and play
games there.     8    this kind of museum. boys and girls feel very happy. They can   9   a lot   10   the
same time.
(    )1.  A. full of      
(    )2.  A. interested    
(    )3.  A. play          
(    )4.  A. how          
(    )5.  A. anything      
(    )6.  A. much easily  
(    )7.  A. Child's      
(    )8.  A. In            
(    )9.  A. look at      
(    )10. A. from          
B. full with    
B. interesting  
B. play together
B. why          
B. something    
B. much easier  
B. Children's    
B. At            
B. see          
B. at            
C. filled of  
C. interest    
C. play for    
C. where      
C. nothing    
C. more easily
C. Childs'    
C. Into        
C. watch      
C. in          
D. fill with  
D. interests  
D. play with  
D. when        
D. all thing  
D. more easier
D. Childrens  
D. For        
D. learn      
D. of          