问题 阅读理解


     A little boy comes to a new town. His name is Peter. of course, he lives with his mother and father.

His family is very rich.. They have a cook and they have a lot of servants.

     Peter is going to a new school. On the first day his mother says to him, Peter, be modest (谦虚) at your

new school. Don't say we are rich."

     Peter says, "Yes, mother." So Peter goes to school. He meets his new teacher. And he sits down with the

other children. The teacher says," Good morning, children. The first exercise today is a composition (作文).

The topic of the composition is 'my family'." So every child writes a composition. This is Peter's composition.

     "My name is Peter. My family is very poor. My father is very poor. My mother is very poor. The gardener

is very poor. The cook is very poor. And all the other servants are very poor…"

1. Whom does Peter live with?

A. Tom

B. Jack

C. Jim

D. His father and mother

2. Peter's family is _________.

A. very

B. very rich

C. very big

D. very happy

3. His mother tells Peter _________.

A. to study hard at school.

B. not to say their family is very rich.

B. not to say their family is very poor.

D. not to go to school.

4. The teacher asks the children to _________.

A. write a composition

B. do some reading

C. read the text

D. do grammar exercises.

5. Peter _________.

A. does not know how to write a composition.

B. Writes a good composition.

B. Tells his teacher and the other children that his family is very poor.

C. Tells his teacher and the other children that his family is very rich.


1-5    DBBAA


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A.利用AAA 公司有重大利好消息时先增持股票,等市场消化利好消息后再减持股票。

B.如果AAA 公司有重大利空消息,应该提前减持股票,避免损失。


