问题 完形填空
     Two days ago, Bob _ 1   a letter from his girlfriend, Mary.  She wrote,   "I'll leave Beijing for London
at ten on June 3rd.  Please meet me at the   2  ."
     Now Bob was standing at the airport and   3   some flowers.  He was   4   because Mary's plane was
three hours late, but   5   knew why.  Bob walked over to the bar at the airport and had a drink.  He
walked back to the gate.  There was still   6   news. He walked back to the bar and had   7   drink.
       8  , Mary's plane landed and the people on the plane started coming out. Bob smiled and   9   Mary.  
After a time he stopped   10   because the last one from the plane was not Mary. Bob said to himself.  
"  11   luck! What has happened to her? "He went over to    12 .   6/ My name is Bob Waston," he said,  
"Have you got any message  13   me?" " Yes," said the girl standing there.  " A telephone message from
14 ." With the words, she handed him a piece of paper.  " Mr Bob Waston, London Airport.  Sorry,  I'll
return next Sunday. " Bob thanked the girl at the airport,  gave the  15  to her and said goodbye.
( )1. A. heard                
( )2. A. Beijing              
( )3. A. hold                  
( )4. A. worried              
( )5. A. nobocly              
( )6. A. some                  
( )7. A. others                
( )8. A.  Two hours late      
( )9. A.  looked for          
( )10. A. smile                
( )11. A. Good                
( )12. A. the information desk
( )13. A, about                
( )14. A. America              
( )15. A. tickcts              
B. got            
B. airport        
B. holds          
B. pleased        
B. somebody        
B. good            
B. another        
B. Two hours later
B. looked at      
B. to smile        
B. Bad            
B. a policeman    
B. with            
B. India          
B. flowers        
C. receives      
C. London        
C. holding        
C. surprised      
C. everybody      
C. no            
C. the other      
C. Two hours after
C. looked after  
C. smiling        
C. Nice          
C. the bar        
C. in            
C. New York      
C. news          
D. borrowed      
D. New York      
D. to hold        
D. tired          
D. anybody        
D. any            
D. the others    
D. After two hour
D. looked down    
D. smiles        
D. Great          
D. the airport    
D. for            
D. China          
D. Papers        

1-5  BBCAA  6-10 CBBAC  11-15 BADDB




材料一 美国经济学家帕金斯认为:“14世纪到19世纪的中国,人口和粮食产量估计增加近五倍。所增加的产量中,只有近一半是由扩大耕种面积得到的,另外一半则是因为主要粮食的单位面积产量翻了一番”。




材料二 1840年鸦片战争以后,帝国主义侵略和日益苛重的封建剥削使农村经济江河日下。耕地很少增加,农具鲜有改进,许多地方水利失修。同时,帝国主义的洋枪大炮又使海禁洞开,从而促进了蚕桑、茶叶、棉花、烟草以至花生、大豆等经济作物的商品性生产;农村中带资本主义因素的经济成分也有进一步的增长。但由于帝国主义国家继续维护中国的封建统治,农村中的资本主义经济终于未能得到发展。




材料三 安徽省凤阳县小岗村的统计数字



材料四 党的十一届三中全会以后,对发展农业, * * 同志提出了“一靠政策,二靠科学”的重要思想。靠政策一个方面“就是在生产关系上不能采取一种固定不变的形式,看哪种形式能调动群众的积极性就采用哪种形式。”再一个方面就是切实保障农民利益。靠科学就是大力推广农业科技,鼓励农民进行科学种田。

