问题 材料题


主题一 政治民主化,建设法制社会。

材料一 我们的制度之所以被称为民主政治,因为 * * 是在全体公民的手中,而 不是在少数人手中。   ——(古希腊)伯利克里




材料二 美国:国会是立法机构;总统既是国家元首,又是政府首脑,拥有国家元首实权,有权组织政府;政府不对议会负责;联邦法院拥有司法权。英国:议会是立法机构;国家元首由国王担任,并无实权;政府由议会产生,政府大臣包括首相,都必须是议会成员,政府对议会负责;法官由大法官和首相推荐,行政任命,行使司法权。    ——摘自人教版历史必修一教师用书



材料三 1911年在中国建立起美国政体的仿制品,真是荒唐可笑。……这种政体悲惨地结束了,即悲惨地失败了。然而,失败的并不是这种政体,而是一代人。    ——N.佩弗《远东》



材料四 邓 * * 说:“西方的民主就是三权分立、多党竞争等等。我们并不反对西方国家这样搞,但是中国大陆不搞多党竞选,不搞三权分立、两院制。”    ——《邓 * * 文选》



主题二 思想理性化,构建和谐社会。

材料五 莎士比亚(1564——1616)的戏剧《哈姆雷特》中的一段独白:“人是一件多么了不起的杰作!多么高贵的理性!多么伟大的力量!多么优美的仪表!多么文雅的举动!在行动上多么像一个天使!在智慧上多么像一个天神!宇宙的精华!万物的灵长!”



材料六 “近五年来,中国人渐渐知道自己的不足了。……第一期,先从器物上感觉不足。……第二期,是从制度上感觉不足。……第三期,便是从文化根本上感觉不足。……革命成功将近十年,所希望的件件都落空,渐渐有点废然恩返,要拿旧心理运用新制度,决计不可能,渐渐要求全人格的觉悟。……所以最近两三年问,算是画出一个新时期采。”    ——梁启超《五十年中国进化概沦》1922年 



材料七 “孔子这人,其实是自从死了以后,也总是当着‘敲门砖’的差使的。自20世纪以来,孔夫子的运气是很坏的,但到袁世凯时代,却又被重新记得。不但恢复了祭典,还做了古怪的祭服,使奉祀的人们穿起来。跟着这事而出现的便是帝制。然而那一道门终于没有敲开,袁氏在门外死掉了。”    ——《鲁迅全集》



材料八 孔子学院在全球开设的速度,引发了世人包括中国人自己的惊奇。在不到两年的时间里,全球新增100多所孔子学院,覆盖了50多个国家和地区。到2010年,全球将建成500所孔子学院和孔子课堂。“现在已经不是我们要推广, 而是各国的大学争着要办,挡都挡不住。”全世界孔子学院正以每4天诞生1所的速度增加。    ——《新华网》





(2)相同点:分权与制衡;不同点:美国总统是拥有国家实权的国家元首,英国 国王是没有实权的国家元首;美国政府不对议会负责,英国政府必须对议会负责。


(4)政治制度:人民代表大会制度;中 * * 党领导下的多党合作、政治协商制度;民族区域自治制度;基层民主选举制度。





单项选择题 A1型题

With one eye turned towards keeping its own economy on track and the other trained fearfully on the impact of the global economic downturn, China has announced a four trillion yuan ($ 586 billion) stimulus package, the largest in the country’s history.

Unveiled by China’s State Council on the evening of Sunday November 9th, the two-year spending initiative will inject funds into ten sectors, including health care, education, low- income housing, environmental protection, schemes to promote technological innovation, and transport and other infrastructure projects. The government also says that some of the spending will be directed to reconstruction efforts in areas battered by natural disasters, such as Sichuan province which was devastated by a massive earthquake in May.

"Over the past two months, the global financial crisis has been intensifying daily," the State Council said in a statement. "In expanding investment, we must be fast and heavy- handed. " News of the stimulus package has been welcomed by global investors. Asian and European stock markets rose on Monday, with American markets also climbing. China’s decisive move is likely to please foreign governments which are now grappling with the global downturn. It comes a few days before the Chinese president is scheduled to attend a global economic summit in Washington D. C. , and a day after Hu Jintao had spoken by phone to the American president-elect, Barack Obama, about the global economic crisis and other issues.

China’s government has so far provided few details of when the money will be spent or how it will be divided. Officials do say that fourth quarter investment for this year will total 400 billion yuan, including 20 billion yuan brought forward from next year’s central government budget. If fully realised, the two-year spending spree would amount to about 16% of China’s annual gross domestic product.

The newly announced measures also include a loosening of credit policies and tax cuts. The plan calls for reforms in the country’s value-added tax regime that would save industry 120 billion yuan, according to an estimate by the government. Credit ceilings for commercial banks are to be abolished in the hope of channelling more capital to small enterprises, rural areas and unspecified "priority projects".

The government is concerned about the potential for frivolous or speculative investments, so the State Council also decreed at its meeting on Sunday that credit expansion must be "rational" and should "target spheres that would promote and consolidate the expansion of consumer credit". Finding ways to get Chinese consumers spending should be a priority. Unleashing domestic demand has been a longstanding goal of Chinese policymakers, but Chinese consumers-with few of their health-care or retirement needs reliably met either by employers or the state-often prefer to save.

China has sustained double-digit economic growth rates over the past five years but the economy has been slowing, considerably in some sectors. The economy logged a growth rate of 11.9% last year, but many forecasters believe that it will dip below 10% this year, with fourth-quarter growth down to 6% or even lower.

Growth rates in that range may be the envy of recession-battered economies, but mark signs of trouble for China. It is an article of faith among many economists-and a view publicly stated earlier this year by the Chinese Prime Minister, Wen Jiabao-that China needs a growth rate of at least 7% to avoid massive unemployment. The country has been hurt in recent months by softening export markets, depressed domestic property values and stock markets, and declining consumer and investor confidence.

According to the text, what is the "loosening of credit policies and tax cuts" aiming at()

A. Reduce the burdens of the enterprises, and help the small and medium enterprises get loans more easily

B. Enhance the effectiveness of the government in this economical downturn

C. Implement of policies that have been adopted years before

D. Response to the requirements put forward by US government