问题 选择题

Read and guess.(看句子,猜谜语)

1. It's an animal. It lives in Australia.  It lives in trees. It's _____.     [ ]

A. a kangaroo                

B. a koala                      

C. a monkey

2. It's a place. Our parents always go there at the weekend.  We buy many things from it. It's a _____.    

[ ]

A. supermarket              

B. park                        

C. library

3. When do we use umbrella and boots? It's _____.     

A. rainy                    

B. sunny                      

C. windy

4. It's a thing. When you go on a trip and take some pictures, you will take it. It's a _____.     [ ]

A. tent                      

B. umbrella                    

C. camera

5. What has hands but no feet, a face but no eyes, tells but does not talk? It's a _____ .           [ ]

A. table                    

B. blackboard                  

C. clock


1. B 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. C
