问题 判断题

发行人董事、监事、高级管理人员在最近2年内曾发生变动的,应披露变动情况和原因。( )



解析: 发行人应披露董事、监事、高级管理人员是否符合法律法规规定的任职资格;发行人董事、监事、高级管理人员在近3年内曾发生变动的,应披露变动情况和原因。


材料一 欧洲在战后一个严寒的黎明醒来。1947年的冬天是气候最恶劣的季节。从1月到3月,一股冷风横扫德、意、法、英等国……狂风呼啸,积雪如山,交通断绝,浮冰堵住了泰晤士河口;运载着食品给养的火车转眼之间就冻在铁轨上;驶往巴黎的运煤船被冰块堵在水上航行不得。在柏林……作为应急措施,每户德国家庭分配到一棵树作为取暖之用。


材料二 我无须对诸位说:世界局势很是严重……我们的政策不是反对任何国家、任主义,而是反对饥饿、贫穷、悲惨、混乱。在美国政府能够尽力缓和局势,协助欧洲走上复兴道路之前,显然地,欧洲国家……事先应该获致若干协议。这是欧洲人的事情,最初的意见应该由欧洲提出……这个计划必须是联合性质的,假使不能商得所有欧洲国家的同意,也得商得一部分国家的同意。——摘自美国国务卿马歇尔在哈佛大学的演说(1947年6月5日)






Part 4

Questions 26-45

·Read the following passage and decide which answer best fits each space.
·For questions 26-45, mark one letter A, B, C or D on the Answer Sheet.
Participation (26) high school sports is not a constitutional right. (27) , it is a privilege, paid for by taxpayers, open to students who promise to (28) certain conduct requirements on and off the field. One of these promises is to (29) from using drugs. Drug use is a serious problem among high school students. Studies show that as many as 500, 000 high school students use muscle-pumping, life-destroying substances such as steroids. Many more use illegal drugs, (30) cause discipline problems and (31) the stage for lifelong (32) .
Drug testing works to (33) and identify use. That is why drug testing is required to compete in the Olympics, the National Collegiate Athletic Association and the National Football League. (34) drug testing was instituted by these organizations, use of performance- (35) drugs has been greatly reduced. We should want (36) in schools.
Indeed, many athletes (37) testing programs, and no wonder. Without testing, athletes have to choose between drug use and a competitive disadvantage (38) the field.
Those who challenge the need for drug testing may be forgetting (39) it is like be an adolescent. Peer pressure is enormous, and one of the few effective counter-weights is the fear of being caught. More importantly, once drug use is (40) , a school can (41) to the student before he or she gets addicted or arrested.
For 25 years, public schools (42) by federal judges and civil libertarians, with results everyone can see. It is time (43) decisions on how to run public schools locally (44) officials. There is nothing unconstitutional about asking those who gain the advantages of school-sponsored athletics to contribute to the safety of other players, the integrity of the game and their own well-being. The Supreme Court should leave these programs (45) .



