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下列各句中,没有语病的一句是  (     )         (3分)







题目分析: B句类型为成份多余,去掉“大约”或“左右”;C句类型为成份残缺,在“崛起”后加上“的现象”;D句的类型为前后矛盾,去掉“否”。病句类型主要有:语序不当、搭配不当、成分残缺或赘余、结构混乱、表意不明、不合逻辑、前后矛盾。辨析病句,一般来说,一看语法通不通,二看意思对不对,三看修辞妥不妥。要想快速而准确地辨析病句,除了平时多阅读,增强语感外,还应该掌握一定的方法,如语感审读法、枝干梳理法、逻辑分析法。



     Basketball is still a young game.  It is over ahundred years old. In the year of 1891,a certaincollege was having some trouble with its boystudents. The weather was cold and the studentshad to stay indoors. As they could not take part intheir usual outdoor sports, they were unhappy, andsome of them even got into fights from time to time.Finally, some of the teachers at the college askedDr. J. E. Naismith to invent a game so that thestudents might have something to play with. It wasnot easy to invent a game because it had to beplayed indoors, and the court was not very large.Dr. Naismith thought for a few days and invented akind of ball game.  It was a fast, exciting game withmuch moving and passing of the ball.  It was playedbetween two teams. In order to make a score, theball had to be thrown into a basket ten feet abovethe floor on the wall.  At each end of the court therewas a basket.  At first, Dr. Naismith had planned tohave the ball thrown into a box.  As he couldn't findboxes of the right size, he had to use fruit basketsinstead. That is how the game got its name-basketball.

1. The passage tells us______.

A. what basketball was

B. how basketball was invented

C. why people like basketball

D. where we can play basketball

2. Basketball is______.

A. an old game

B.a game with a long history

C. already over a hundred years old

D. invented by a student

3.The word "indoors" means ______.

A. in the door

B. inside the room

C. in many doors

D. on the door

4. Basketball was invented______.

A.in the winter of 1891

B.in September of 1981

C.in the spring of 1891

D.in the winter of 1981

5. The game got its name from______.

A.the ball itself

B. the basket itself

C. both the basket and the ball

D. the inventor
