既是2和5的倍数,又是3的倍数的最小三位数是( )。两个质数的和是20,它们的积是91,这两个质数分别是( )。
Today I’d like to talk about how to become a (1) . Usually you have to start at the beginning. That is, you have to begin (2) of some sort on a local newspaper, a (3) , maybe on a small magazine -- work (4) . Now there aren’t that many organizations which have large numbers of foreign correspondents so you also have to (5) with that aim (6) . Another way of doing it is to work abroad, and work as (7) . That’s somebody who sells stories, and gets paid (8) , to newspapers and magazines and so on. And hoping to (9) that way, and eventually to be offered a (10) .I don’t really know (11) are needed, but obviously a degree in modern languages or (12) would be very useful. But, a degree in itself probably wouldn’t (13) . It wouldn’t be enough to get you job. It wouldn’t (14) to make an editor decide to (15) . So it’s difficult to define the (16) . You’re going to need (17) and the ability to assimilate information (18) and then produce stories which (19) of the newspaper or radio or television station you (20) .
晰( )淅( ) 绍( )招( )
陷( )焰( ) 疆( )僵( )
扬( )杨( )