问题 选择题


A.朝济而夕设版焉(渡河)   籍吏民,封府库(登记)

且君尝为晋君赐矣(被)   虽董之以严刑(督责)

B.亡郑以陪邻(增加) 其辱人贱行,视五人之死,轻重固何如哉?(比较)     闻大王有意督过之(责备)纫秋兰以为佩(联缀)

C.杀人如不能举(尽)    均之二策,宁许以负秦曲(衡量)

失其所与,不知(给予)  秦自缪公以来二十余君,未尝有坚明约束者也(信约) 

D.大方之家 (修养高、明白道理的人)予除右丞相兼枢密使(授官) 旦日飨士卒(犒劳)         将有作,则思知止以安人(大作为)


B 。

(A项“且君尝为晋君赐矣”中的“为”应是“给予”的意思;C项“失其所与,不知”中的“与” 应是“结交,亲附”的意思;D项“将有作,则思知止以安人”中“作” 应是“兴建”的意思。)


Passage twoEducating girls quite possibly yields a higher rate of return than any other investment available in the developing world .women’s education may be unusual territory for economists ,but enhancing women’s contribution to development is actually as much an economic as a social issue .and economics ,with its emphasis on incentives ,provides guideposts that point to an explanation for why so many girls are deprived of an education Parents in low-income countries fail to invest in their daughters because they do not expert them to make an economic contribution to he family :girls grow up only to marry into somebody else’s family and bear children .Girls are thus seen as less valuable than boys and kept at home to do housework while their brothers are sent to school-the prophecy becomes self-fulfilling ,trapping women in a vicious circle of neglect. An educated mother ,on the other hand ,has greater earning abilities outside the home and faces an entirely different set of choices. She is likely to have fewer but healthier children and can insist on the development of all her children ,ensuring that her daughters are given a fair chance .The education of her daughters then makes it much more likely that the next generation of girls ,as well as of boys ,will be education and healthy . The vicious circle is thus transformed into a virtuous circle. Few will dispute that education women has great social benefits.But it has enormous economic advantages as well .Most obviously ,there is the direct effect of education on the wages of female workers.Wages rise by 10 to 20 percent for each additional year of schooling. Such big returns are impressive by the standard of other available investments ,but they are just the beginning .Education women also has a significant impact on health practices,including family planning.

The passage mainly discusses ( )

A.unequal treatment of boys and girls in developing countries

B.the potential earning power of well –educated women

C.the major contributions of educated women to society

D. the economic and social benefits of educating women
