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题目分析:1768年,瑞典著名的植物学家林奈(Carolus Linnaeus,17b7-177地)在《自然系统》这本书中正式提出科学的生物命名法--双名法,按照双名法,每个物种的科学名称(即学名)由两部分组成,第一部分是属名,第二部分是种加词,种加词后面还应有命名者的姓名,有时命名者的姓名可以省略.双名法的生物学名部分均为拉丁文,并为斜体字;命名者姓名部分为正体.例如,银杏(Ginkgo  biloba  L.)中的Ginkgo表示属名,biloba  L.表示种加词,即种本名.

       Life in Britain
       Homes and families
       Many British people live in houses, not apartments. Most houses have gardens.
       Daily (日常的) life
       Most office workers start work at about nine in the morning, and finish at about five or six in the
  afternoon.  Most people don't go home for lunch, and they just have a quick meal.
       School  life
       Children start school at about nine am, and finish at about three thirty pm.  Most children have lunch
  at  school.  All children go to school when they are four or five years old, and leave when they are sixteen
 or seventeen.
      Most shops open at about nine am and close at about six pm. Usually, they don't close for lunch.
1. Many British people live in _____.
    A. apartments    
    B. parks      
    C. houses      
    D. gardens
2. Most offices start work at about _____ in the morning.
    A. ten        
    B. nine        
   C. eight        
   D. seven
3. Most office workers and school children don't have lunch _____.          
    A. in the garden    
    B. in the shop    
    C. at home          
    D. at school
4. The children in Britain usually study at school for _____.       
    A. sixteen or seventeen years              
    B. twelve or thirteen years
    C. four or five years                    
    D. four years
 5. Can you buy things in the shops at lunchtime?          
    A. No. They close for lunch.
    B. Yes. But there is no people in the shop.
    C. No. Shops open at l pm.
    D. Yes. They don't close for lunch.