问题 选择题

在平面解析几何中,当动点到一个定点的距离与它到一条定直线(定点不在定直线上的距离之比是常数)时,该动点的轨迹为圆锥曲线。常数的值不同,圆锥曲线的形状就不同,当常数小于1时,轨迹是椭圆;当常数等于1时。轨迹是抛物线;当常数大于1时,轨迹是双曲线。上述结论表明 [ ]

①共性寓于个性之中 ②矛盾的同一性推动事物的变化 ③事物的量变引起质变 ④事物的联系是具体的,有条件的









     Learning English is not easy. Almost every beginner of English asks himself: can I really learn to

communicate fluently (流利的) in English?

     The answer is "yes"! According to some studies, almost anyone can learn a foreign language if he

or she wants to. Some might pick it up faster and some slower, but with the right methods and the

right attitude, almost anyone can succeed.

     Successful English students usually have a positive attitude towards their studies. For example, they

are not afraid of making mistakes in front of others. They enjoy talking with people, even in bad English.

They enjoy singing English songs or watching English movies, even though they may not understand

exactly what they mean or are about. 他们努力永不放弃(A). Please believe there is no short cut to

learning a foreign language.

     Many students also have their own special methods for studying English(B). Maybe you al-so have

some ideas of your own on how best to pick up English. Why not share them with your classmates?

Everyone has his own ways of learning so you should try to discover new ways. When you do, you

will find that studying English can be fun. You might even fall in love with it.


( )1. All beginners of English ask themselves: can I really learn to communicate fluently (流利的) in


(     )2. Successful English students usually are not afraid of making mistakes in front of others.

3. 把(A)处画横线的句子译为英语。


4. 把(B)处画横线的句子译为汉语。


5. What is the main idea of the passage? 

