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假如你穿越时空隧道回到唐朝,你会见到我国历史上唯一的女皇帝武则天。人称她的统治是[ ]










People in Shanghai can quench their thirst with high quality water if the Shanghai Water Authority (SWA) is able to make good on its word. It has vowed to make the city’s water match its status as a world class city.

“The current tap water quality meets national standards, but, compared with that of the European Union and the United States, it still needs to be improved.” said the SWA’s director general, Hang Jiayi.

In other developed countries, water fountains can be found almost everywhere—people do not bother with bottled drinking water.

By 2020, the water of the Huangpu River will be treated to reduce the amount of organic waste in it. Major water works that draw water from the Huangpu will need more treatment facilities to improve the colour, texture, ammonia(氨)and nitrogen content before 2010.

These treatment facilities are expected to cost 4 billion yuan, something that could affect the price of water, according to Chen Yin, SWA’s deputy director general.

Chen said that replacing water pipes was also a key project. The city’s aged pipes are mostly to blame for the bad water quality.

The SWA has started the water facilities renovation(更新)work, including the more than 14,000 kilometres of indoor piping, 107,000 tanks on top of the buildings, and more than 6,000 underground facilities.

World Water Day came on March 22, and this year’s theme is “Water for the future”. Beijing is also drawing up plans during China’s Water Week, which runs until March 28.

By 2010, the water for the Shanghai EXPO is to be above World Health Organization standards. And, the people of Beijing will be able to drink their tap water as well.

小题1:People in Shanghai can drink their tap water_____.

A.by 2020

B.in the first half of this year

C.by 2010

D.by 2008小题2:What step need not be taken in order to improve the tap water?

A.The water of the Huangpu River will be treated.

B.Aged water pipes will be treated.

C.Water facilities must be renovated.

D.Water fountains must be found.小题3:Which is the correct statement according to the passage?

A.The tap water quality in Shanghai hasn’t met national standards.

B.World Water Day fell on March 22 this year.

C.The people of Beijing cannot drink their tap water now.

D.The treatment of the water of Huangpu River has been finished.小题4:What is the main idea of the passage?

A.The cost of treating the tap water.

B.How to reach the water standards of developed countries.

C.The project for making tap water drinkable in Shanghai and Beijing.

D.The progress of treating the water of Huangpu River.
