问题 单项选择题









                                                    Teach Me in the way To Go
      I grew up in a very poor Catholic family. My father used some  1  ways to teach us and rarely
spared us from the school of hard lessons. This is the one I  2  most.
     On the first day of 2nd grade, my father asked me if I could  3  well. "Yes, I can," I said. So he
gave me a hand-drawn  4  with street names and directions on how to walk to school. School is 3
miles away, and I had never been off my home street by myself, ever.
     The 5  he gave me as he sends me the map with my lunch box and jacket said very little, he   6 
says, "Everything you need to know is written on the map, read the map and  7  the directions."
Okay, by now I was standing in  8  at his request, scared to death, but he kissed me goodbye and
sent me out the door. And   9   I went to school, crying, but   10  .
     I don't know how long it took for me to get there, or how many fearful and anxious   11  I had,
but I do remember forever   12   it felt when I came around the last corner, and saw my school. The 
 13 , the laughter, the joy. I had made it! I jumped   14   and angry as I was with my Dad, I wished
I could tell him   15   that I had done it.
     He wasn't there when I got home and I was  16  when he got home. The next day I waited for
him to ask what had happened. He never did. We laughed and talked and our   17   began.
     Years later I finally got the  18  to ask him why he did that and why he hadn't cared about what
had happened. He just looked at me for a few minutes then said, "I didn't have to ask you, I knew. I
followed you the whole way in the car,   19   far enough back so you could not see me. I saw you
jump up and down at the last street corner. I  20  what you felt."
     Then I understood and I cried.
     Thanks. Dad.
( )1. A. usual  
( )2. A. hate    
( )3. A. remember  
( )4. A. paper  
( )5. A. look    
( )6. A. gently  
( )7. A. follow  
( )8. A. puzzle  
( )9. A. off  
( )10.A. smiling
( )11. A. difficulties
( )12. A. what  
( )13. A. surprise
( )14. A. up and down
( )15. A. right then
( )16. A. awake  
( )17. A. day   
( )18. A. chance
( )19. A. only   
( )20. A. enjoyed
B. unusual    
B. prefer    
B. write    
B. note      
B. gesture    
B. possibly    
B. catch    
B. amazement    
B. on       
B. jumping    
B. courses    
B. when      
B. relief    
B. back and forth
B. just now  
B. afraid  
B. week    
B. courage  
B. too    
B. felt    
C. formal  
C. value  
C. walk    
C. map    
C. sign    
C. simply  
C. check  
C. disappointment
C. as    
C. running  
C. moments  
C. how    
C. hope    
C. left and right
C. until now
C. alone  
C. month  
C. intention
C. so      
C. learned  
D. informal      
D. make          
D. read          
D. script        
D. meaning      
D. coldly        
D. keep          
D. disbelief    
D. for          
D. walking      
D. strangers    
D. why          
D. dream        
D. in and out    
D. then again    
D. asleep        
D. year          
D. desire        
D. but          
D. doubted      

2002年11月,A市甲公司与B市乙公司在C市签订合同,约定由甲公司收集曲目、进行艺术处理并解决有关版权问题,由乙公司制作发行名为"北方之夜"的90分钟歌曲录音磁带一盒。后甲公司收集歌曲24首在本单位进行艺术处理并制成母带。乙公司因设备发生故障,由该公司工作人员李四等人去D市丁公司请其协助制作磁带,丁公司派职工张三等人参与制作,事后,乙公司付给D市丁公司4万元设备磨损和劳务费。该磁带后在E市、 F市发行。此后,丙公司认为"北方之夜"中的第1、 2两首歌曲版权应归其所有,戊公司认为第3、4、5三首歌曲版权应归其所有,二单位发现"北方之夜"署名单位为甲公司和乙公司,便向法院提起诉讼。一审法院将丙公司和戊公司列为原告,将甲公司和乙公司列为被告,经审理判决确认被告行为构成侵权。法院于2004年4月16日将判决书送达双方当事人。此后连降暴雨,造成交通不便,直到5月13日两被告才以"事先曾与丙公司和戊公司打过招呼"为由对判决表示不服,并到邮电局向法院寄发了上诉状。经二审法院调解,双方达成协议,被告当即按协议对原告进行了赔偿,并口头表示道歉。法院送达调解书时,原告对调解书中的措辞提出异议并拒绝在送达回证上签字。法院采取留置送达方式,就此结案。
