问题 材料分析题

古时候,有个国王对文武百官说,他准备把一枚最高荣誉勋章授给对社会贡献最大的人。那么,谁是对社会贡献最大的人呢?大家争论开了。有人推出战功显赫的 * * ,有人推出辅佐国王治国兴邦的政治家,有人推出学识渊博的学者。可是,国王想了一想,都摇头否定了。最后,有人推出教师,理由是,不论 * * 、政治家还是学者,他们当初都做过学生,都得到教师的培育,如果没有老师,就不可能有后来的 * * 、政治家和学者,所以,教师是对社会贡献最大的人。国王听了点头赞许,把勋章授给了教师。  






An evergreen tree is a Christmas tradition in many American homes. The tree is usually a pine or fir(冷杉) dressed with lights and other colorful decorations.

Families might buy a cut tree or go to a tree farm and cut one down themselves. Some people bring a live tree in a pot into their home for the holidays and then put it back outdoors. Some people rent a Christmas tree. Companies might bring the same live tree to the same family year after year. Or the tree might get planted in a park or someplace else where it could help the environment.

There are some trees that can be reused year after year because they are made of plastic or metal. Or, instead of a tree, some people have a small, sweet-smelling rosemary(迷迭香) plant, cut to look like a little Christmas tree.

Another popular evergreen this time of year is the mistletoe(槲寄生) plant. It has small white berries and leaves that feel like leather. The traditional Christmas mistletoe is native to Europe. Ancient Druids believed mistletoe had magical powers. Mistletoe is a parasitic(寄生的) plant. It connects itself to a tree and steals nutrients and water.

And the poinsettia(一品红)is also one of the plants that many people connect with Christmas. Poinsettias __________   Mexico. They can be white or pink, but most are bright red. They are named after the first American ambassador to Mexico. Joel Poinsett liked them enough to send some back to the United States. Babies or pets that chew on poinsettias might get sick. But experts say the plant is not as poisonous as some people think.

小题1:What is the main idea of the text? (no more than 8 words)


小题2:Please list at least three kinds of color that Christmas trees may have? (no more than 4 words)


小题3:Fill in the blank in Paragraph 5 with proper words. (no more than 4 words)


小题4:What can be used as Christmas trees according to the passage?(no more than 10 words)


小题5:What does the word “it” (Line 2, Paragraph 2) probably refer to? (no more than 3 words)

