问题 完形填空


Frederick William I, the King of Prussia, ____31____ that his great gift to the Russian people would have such a strange history. This was the Amber Room, ___32___was given this name because almost seven __33__tons of amber were used to make it. Amber has a beautiful yellow-brown colour. Although it __34__as hard as stone, it easily melt when __35__. Once it is heated, the amber can become any shape. The design for the __36___was __37__ the fancy style popular in those days. The Amber Room was also made with gold and jewels.  It ___38__a team of the country’s best artists ten years to make it. Everyone agreed that it was the best and biggest __39___of amber art ever made. ___40___, in 1941 the Nazi German army stole it.

31. A. could never imagined   B. imagined

C. could have imagined   D. could never have imagined

32. A. which               B. that              C. /               D. who

33. A. thousands of        B. thousand of        C. thousand        D. thousands

34. A. feel                B. feels             C. felt             D. has felt

35. A. heat               B. heated            C. it was heated       D. it has heated

36. A. room              B. house             C. amber             D. thing  

37. A. of                 B. to               C. for              D. in

38. A. spent              B. cost              C. took            D. costs

39. A .job               B. work             C. works           D. gift

40. A. Therefore          B. However          C. but             D. Moreover


31---40  AACBB   ADCCB  


试题二(16分)阅读下列说明,回答问题1至问题3,将解答填入答题纸的对应栏内。[说明]建设单位甲以招标的方式委托监理公司丙承担某电子政务工程项目监理任务,订了监理合同。甲又以公开招标的方式选择了承建单位乙承担该项目的建设任务,订了实施合同。项目过程中,发生了如下事件:[事件1] 丙对该项目的监理工作非常重视,特指派公司的副经理任项目总监理工程师。总监理工程师要求公司技术负责人和技术部门人员主持编制该项目的监理规划,参加编写的人员将计算机中已有的其他项目的监理规划与投标时的监理大纲稍做修改作为该项目的监理规划,公司经理审核并签字后报送到甲。[事件2] 项目原实施计划如下图所示,该工程总工期为1年,在工程按计划进行14周后(已完成A工作施工),甲向乙提出增加一项新的工作内容K,该项工作要求在C工作结束以后开始,并在D工作开始前完成,以保证D工作在B和K工作完成后开始实施,根据由乙提出并经监理工程师研究认可的K工作计划,该顶工作的实施时间需要9周。

[事件3] 按照原实施计划,C、G两项工作均使用同一台测试设备先后进行测试,而新增加的工作K仍拟用该测试设备做测试。现乙提出,由于增加K工作后,使租用的测试设备增加了闲置时间,要求补偿设备闲置费用(按每台测试设备闲置一周7000元计)。
