问题 选择题


①废除封建土地所有制 ②实现“耕者有其田” ③取消一切私有财产 ④绝对平均主义理想








点评:《天朝田亩制度》是太平天国的建国纲领。突出反映了农民阶级要求废除封建土地所有制的愿望,是农民反封建斗争的思想结晶。它继承和发展了中国历史上农民起义中提出的“平均”“等贵贱 均贫富”“均田免粮”的思想,更重要的是将过去农民起义的口号做了具体的规划,突出反映了农民阶级要求废除封建土地所有制的强烈愿望。因此,它对贫苦农民来说具有强大的吸引力,极大地调动了农民反封建的积极性。但是,绝对平均分配产品的方案,违背了社会发展规律,根本无法实施,只能是一种空想。



     The World Health Organization says obesity rates are rising in Pacific island countries.So,too,are

health problems linked to being overweight.

     The WHO says a major reason for the rising obesity rates is an increase in imported foods.It says

many Pacific islanders have replaced their traditional diets of vegetables and fruits with imported

processed foods.

     Dr.Temu Waqanivalu is with the World Health Organization's South Pacific office in Suva,Fiji.He

says many of the imported products lack nutritional value.

     Temu Waqanivalu said:"In some of the places,you'd be amazed to see how a bottle of Coke is

cheaper than a bottle of water.I think that represents the kind of offenvironment we've created that

doesn't really encourage or make lifestyle choices an easy choice for the population."

     And a lack of physical activity among many Pacific islanders only adds to the obesity problem.

     The WHO says more than 50 percent of the population is overweight in at least ten Pacific island

countries.The rate is as high as 80 percent among women in the territory of American Samoa.Fiji had

the lowest obesity rate at 30 percent.

     In all,almost ten million people live in Pacific island countries.The WHO estimates that about 40

percent of them have health disorders related to diet and nutrition.

    Diabetes rates are among the highest in the world.Fortyseven percent of the people in American

Samoa have diabetes.So do 44 percent of the people in Tokelau,a territory of New Zealand.

    By comparison,the diabetes rate is 13 percent in the United States,a country that has its own

problems with rising obesity.

   Officials also note an increase in nutritional problems like anemia and not enough vitamin A in the

diets of Pacific islanders.Dr.Waqanivalu says treating conditions related to obesity and diet puts

pressure on limited health resources and budgets.

1. The main reason why obesity rates are rising in many Pacific islanders is ________.

A. the change of society

B. the change of eating habits

C. the change of life style

D. lack of exercise

2. Imported products lack nutritional value but people love to buy them because ________.

A. they are cheap

B. they are popular

C. they are tasty

D. they are convenient to get

3. How many people living in Pacific island countries have health disorders?

A. 1 million.  

B. 4 million.

C. 6 million. 

D. 10 million.
