问题 材料分析题


材料一:记者7 月4 日从甘肃省质量技术监督局了解到,他们在三份接受委托人送检的奶粉样品中,检验出三聚氰胺超出限量值标准。甘肃质检部门立即通知相关省份进行调查。

据甘肃省质监局介绍,6 月25 日,甘肃省质监局产品质量监督检验中心接受委托人刘西平送检的三份奶粉样品,要求检测三聚氰胺一项指标。这三份奶粉样品均用无色自封塑料袋包装,每份100 克,上面加贴白色小皱片,用圆珠笔分别写着“样品1”“样品2”等字样。

甘肃质检部门检验发现,三份样品三聚氰胺含量分别为:215mg/kg 、l397mg/kg 、323mg/kg ,分别超出限量值标准86% 、559% 、130% 。甘肃省质监局副局长王忠习介绍,这三份包装异常、三聚氰胺严重超标的奶粉样品引起了甘肃质监局的怀疑,随即利用当事人取质检报告的机会,对刘西平进行了调查,并移交兰州市公安局经侦支队,同时将情况上报甘肃省政府和国家有关部门。刘西平交代,他是青海省民和回族土族自治县东垣乳制品厂业务员,问题奶粉就存放在这个厂附近的村子里,供货商为一姓周的陕西人。




(2)消费者应该如何维护自己的合法权利?(至少2 点)


(3)你认为作为消费者,怎样才能尽可能避免自己的合法权益避受侵害?(至少2 点)








     Shakespeare's Birthplace and Exhibition of Shakespeare's World

    Welcome to the world-famous house where William Shakespeare was born in l564 and where he

grew up. The property (房产) remained in the ownership of Shakespeare's family until 1806.The House

has welcomed visitors traveling from all over the world for over 250 years.

    ◆Enter through the Visitors' Centre and see the highly-praised exhibition Shakespeare's World,a lively and full introduction to the life and work of Shakespeare.

    ◆Stand in the rooms where Shakespeare grew up.

    ◆Discover examples of furniture and needlework from Shakespeare's period.

    ◆Enjoy the traditional (传统的) English garden, planted with trees and flower mentioned in the poet's


     The Birthplace is within easy walking distance of all the car parks shown on the map;nearest is

Windsor Street(3 minutes' Walk)

     The House may present difficulties but the Visitors' Centre,its exhibition Hall and the garden are

accessible (可进入的) to wheelchair users.

     The Shakespeare Coffee House(opposite the Birthplace)

1. How much is the admission for a family of two grown-ups and two children?





2. Where is the nearest parking place to Shakespeare's Birthplace?

A. Behind the exhibition hall.      

B. Opposite the Visiturs' Centre.

C. At Windsor Street.            

D. Near the Coffee House.

3. A wheelchair user may need help to enter       .

A. the House    

B. the garden    

C. the Visitors' Centne    

D. the exhibition hall
